Steven Hayward: A few days ago “progressive” Democrats the House succeeded in getting the Appropriations Committee to strip out $1 billion in U.S. funding for Israel’s “Iron Dome” missile defense program, which relies on a lot of U.S.-made technology such that the Iron Dome appropriation is something of an export subsidy, from the continuing resolution to keep the feddie guvmint operating through the end of the year. This did not set well with “mainstream” Democrats, and today the House brought up a standalone bill to provide funding for Iron Dome. It passed 420-9-2. Yes, you are reading that box score correctly. Two House members voted “present.” One of them was Squad Queen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her fellow Squad members mostly voted No on the proposal. The No votes comprising the House Democratic Anti-Semitic Caucus were: Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), André Carson (D-Ind.), Marie Newman (D-Ill.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), ...