
Showing posts with the label bid

Biden's balance problem


Dems try 'dark money' to try to overwhelm Trump

 Epoch Times: Democratic dark money groups, megadonors, and unions are funding a massive spending effort aimed at reelecting President Joe Biden and advancing the Democratic Party’s power in Washington. So far, nine major outside spending groups say they will together spend nearly $800 million to support the reelection of President Biden. This is in addition to the massive financial resources the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will likely pour into the rematch of the 2020 election. The progressive organizations—American Bridge 21st Century, Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, Climate Power, League of Conservation Voters, MoveOn, Republican Voters Against Trump, Service Employees International Union, Unite the Country, and VoteVets— have pledged to spend a total of $792 million on the 2024 election to boost President Biden and the Democratic Party. Former President Donald Trump, who is supported by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and its affil...

Why Biden is trailing Trump in the polls

  Stephen F. Hayward: ... First, below the headline economic numbers are indicators the overall economy may not be strong or benefiting most Americans. Household debt is rising sharply, as are credit-card delinquencies, indicating that many middle-class consumers are spending beyond their means to keep up with higher prices. Millennials in particular — people between the ages of 30 and 39 — are falling behind in debt payments at a much higher rate than other groups. Many leading high-tech companies such as Meta (Facebook’s parent) are reaching record-high stock prices, but they’re built partly upon massive layoffs in the sector. A lot of the headline prosperity of the moment is the result of old-fashioned Keynesian-style government outlays, and we should not be surprised Biden’s blowout multitrillion-dollar spending spree is juicing the economy. A disproportionate amount of job growth last year came from government employment. Sustainable economic expansion depends ultimately on pr...

Dems' rig this years primary for Biden

 Washington Post: In retrospect, it’s remarkable that an 81-year-old president with lousy job approval ratings , and who many expected would serve only one term , ended up being challenged only by a self-help author , Marianne Williamson, and a little-known Democratic representative from Minnesota , Dean Phillips. (That’s the guy who apparently couldn’t get anyone to come to a recent event in Manchester, N.H. Holding an outdoor event in 22-degree weather is always a tough sell, Congressman.) One of the most quietly consequential political decisions of 2023 was the Democratic National Committee’s shuffling of the party’s presidential primary schedule, moving South Carolina to first, Nevada to second and Michigan to third. Yes, New Hampshire insists that it’s holding the first Democratic primary on Tuesday, but the DNC calls the primary “meaningless” and says it won’t allocate any delegates based on the results. Iowa, the traditional first contest, got pushed back to Super Tuesday...

Biden alienates Britain

 Nile Gardiner: The man who I see as far and away the most anti-British occupant of the White House in the modern era made his agenda clear on day one of his presidency, when he ordered the removal of Winston Churchill’s bust from the Oval Office. Perhaps that was because Churchill was clearly a reminder of everything that spineless Biden is not: a courageous, fearless leader who projected strength and resolve in the face of the enemies of the Free World. Churchill, together with his American counterpart Roosevelt, forged the Anglo-American Special Relationship, which for eight decades has been the most powerful bilateral partnership the world has ever seen. Biden, in contrast, seems to be doing his best to weaken that relationship. His latest move appears to be blocking Defence Secretary Ben Wallace’s candidacy for the role of Nato secretary general . This is not only a snub to the United Kingdom, but a foolish error in and of itself. British officials were justly furious; Wallac...

What is behind the Dems open borders agenda

 Frank Miele: People are starting to realize that the collapse of the American border is not an accident. It can’t be. When the vice president of the United States says the border is “secure” at the same time that illegal border crossings have surged to more than a million a year, then one of two things must be true. Either the vice president and the rest of the Biden administration have to be delusional, or they are lying. And while there is plenty of evidence that President Biden is cognitively challenged, there is no reason to believe that he or his handlers are out of touch with reality. So they must be lying. But why? A lie is usually told to cover up some kind of bad behavior, some unacknowledged guilt or secretive misdeeds. Yet if there were an ulterior motive behind the Democratic policy of importing millions of unvetted immigrants into the interior of the country, what could it possibly be? Unfortunately, there was no way to determine what the Biden administration was up t...