
Showing posts with the label J.R. Ward

-bookish thoughts- Prisoner of Night by J. R. Ward

- goodreads - *reading progress* February 12, 2019 – Finished Reading February 11, 2019 –   72.0%  "Back to one of my fave worlds" February 11, 2019 – Started Reading January 15, 2019 – Shelved as:  to-read January 14, 2019 – Shelved Great in between to go through while waiting for The Savior.  As always I'm left wanting more from characters I didn't even know I wanted to know more of XD Sweet, bloody and healing. This is story is, in my personal opinion, for everyone who is a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood world. And don't get me started on the teaser for the next one! It was just the icing on this absolutely yummy cake. Loved Theo and Ahmare I wish and hope to see more of them in the upcoming books. 5/5

-review- The Beast by J.R. Ward

- goodreads - (Read September 2016) Even though I'd pre-ordered this book so it could be all signed and be a surprise for my sis I hadn't had the chance to even hold it until recently. And now, after I talked and talked and talked away the time so I would put it off as long as I could. I could talk no more. And here I am. Having just finished yet another awesome book by J.R.Ward I am now heartbroken because I have no more book to read. And okay the legacy second book is coming soon but it's not at all like reading about the brothers. Anyway. Delivered exactly what was expected. My heart melted and hardened and then expanded and then did some stop-restart stuff because Mary and Rhage's story (continuation) was/is not for the faint of heart. Specially with EVERYTHING else going on in the book. I can't believe I just read ONE book. I feel like I've read multiples of books and have zero complaints about it. I cannot wait for what's to come ...

Cover Obsession #24 -HyperventilatingThisIsTooMuch-

Cover Obsession is a feature here on  BookPics . -I really don't know if anyone else does it as I do but I'm not trying to steal any other ideas out there- In which I tell you what new book covers I'm completely in love with, pinning for, drooling over, tearing-up over, going all  OH CLOUD!  on and all the other AMAZING-FANTASTIC-AWESOME-BOOKPIC-LY verbs and adjectives and adverbs you can think of that just simply aren't enough to describe how I feel towards said covers so,  I just go ahead and OBSESS over them :D ---------------------------------------- The cover reveal for this book was a couple of days ago but even now I'm still obsessing over how amazing it is... how I just simply love it and how it, incredibly, raised even HIGHER my impatience for the book to come out... Wrath <3 <3 - The King by J. R. Ward ( BDB #12 ) Everything!! Everything!! From his pose to his hair (check the freaking widow peak) his muscles.....

Stacking The Shelves #22 -The Only Pictures Edition

Stacking The Shelves  is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews . Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week. Inspired by TST IMMs' posts. Here's what will be stacking my shelves this week ************* Once upon a time, there was a girl... That girl wanted to make videos showcasing all the new books she got. Then, the mean and awful real life got into the way of her dreams of recording those videos and she tried to find a way to take pictures instead. Flash! Flash! Picture after picture was taken. But then...

~review +18~ Lover Mine by J. R. Ward

-Was it possible to fall in love with someone twice, he wondered dimly.- Oh my GOD. What is it with this woman and amazing characters and stories? Seriously, life or reading as it is... Cannot get any better than this... Or so I thought until I read the book after this one and then the one after that one... This book centers in the story of John Mathew <- Cute name ;) and Xhex... I think that both these characters are the ones who have, somehow, suffered the most in the most short time span. I bawled my eyes and heart out while reading this book. There's no world outside it when you start it. And there will definitely be difficult to come back down from the high-out-of-reality-out-of-body experience that this read'll give you. Both main characters are fierce, loyal, heartbreakingly broken, breathtakingly beautiful in their own way. And all the forces that come up against them seemed impossible to defeat until I remembered my mantra, 'Love's the grea...

~review +18~ Lover Avenged by J. R. Ward

"You keep showing up here? Being who you are?" There was a pause. "I'm going to fall in love with you." I believe I should come up with a format to write reviews for non-YA books... Because here's the thing, I'd love to ramble on and on and on but also I feel like if I ramble too much I'll somehow give little tidbits of the story away so I'm left with... A really weird somehow review... Anyway. FINALLY!!! Oh Brotherhood, how I missed you! After reading the first six books back to back... I found a wall right when I started reading the BDB an Insider's Guide... I took 3 months to read that thing and even then I didn't even read it complete... Hence me hitting a slump in the continuation of the series. But after I don't know how long I've finally reunited with my beloved brothers!! I cannot begin to tell you how MUCH I love this book! As always, the story's told from different POVs' but the main plot and st...

BookPics is Curious -Stunned by a Lover Reborn- J.R.Ward's

I'm here to tell you... I just finished reading Lover Reborn, book 10 on the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, by J. R. Ward... And I'm left utterly empty... I don't know what else to say... I feel like all of me was so into the book that now that it has ended I'm left with nothing else but the feeling that a part of me will forever remain burrowed between the pages of that book. I had not expected to be this much in love with the story as I am, and forever be... I had not expected to laugh so hard. I had not expected to cry so much at the very last pages of the book... I had to just ramble a bit about the book because seriously... That's why this blog's here right? To share and talk and talk about the books I love... And just when I thought I had read it all, had felt it all, had experienced it all... This woman/author/writer whatever you want to call her, comes in, barges into my shelves, sits her behind there, and then robs me of everything...

Stacking The Shelves #3 The -NO YA Books- Edition & MRP #13

Stacking The Shelves  is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews . Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week. No vlog this weekend. My neck um, got a little sore and messed up thanks to my awesome sleeping arrangements bwahaha so I couldn't move it for 2 days. Now I can but it still hurts a bit... plus I look like a tornado waiting to happen *O* ANYWAY. Here's what will be stacking my shelves this week * Pieces of Us postcard that I won at Sassy Book Lovers blogoversary party! I think the picture pretty much speaks for itself, doesn't it? T____________T * DARK LOVER by J.R.Ward (BDB#1) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY CLOUDS! OH DEAR PILLOWS! T__________T FINALLY! I have the english PB copy T_T OH GOD!! ~hyperventilates~ Sorry...I lost it a bit back there but seriously? I couldn't be happier! * Veil of Midnight by Lara Adrian (Midnight Breed #5) * Ashes of Mi...

IMM #18 & MRP #6

IMM  is hosted by  The Story Siren  I looove love her blog! So you really should check it out! Yey! Got a book in the mail this week! I'm so excited because this book is completely different from any other book I've ever read but I knew my mom would love it. And even though she doesn't know much english I know that she would appreciate me telling her the story...Yes, she LOVES to hear from the books I read. Funny, she's into hearing the YA stories I read but not actually into reading them. LOL My mom's special! Anyway, enough with the rambling... Here's the book I got this week! Trieste by Dasa Drndic Goodreads doesn't have a description or blurb from the book, but I know it has a lot of history and war in it... I have to thank Misty from Bookaholics Book Club  she's the one that got this book in her mail box a couple of months ago and said that since it wasn't her kind of read she'd give it to whoever wanted it...So *____...

IMM#17 & MRP #5

IMM is hosted by  The Story Siren  I looove love her blog!  So you really should check it out! This week I only got one thing in the mail and it was NOT a book but it's still book-related so I obviously had to share it. ~giggles~ Isn't it cute >.< it was a surprise to receive it. I knew it had been made but didn't know it had been sent. Hence me getting all teary over it. Thank you SO VERY MUCH Autum ! I completely love it. It's the very first ANYTHING that has the name of my blog on it. You have outdone yourself. I'm too happy for words so I'll just say thank you! I haven't gotten ANY book since the last week of January...but I've been told there's a package waiting for me at my grams so I'm going to feature that one next week as I haven't been able to pick it up. Now on to... My Reading Pile #5 My reading pile is an idea created by  Fiktshun   in which you share what your reads for the week are or wel...

My Reading Pile #4

Hi guys! And welcome to: My Reading Pile #4 My reading pile is an idea created by  Fiktshun   in which you share what your reads for the week are or well the wishful reads-rereads-rerereads and well you get the hint. Check her blog out you know I'm a devoted stalker, I mean, follower ;) Since I haven't been getting anything in the mail the last 3 weeks I've been slaking and not making MRP posts but that's over now hehehe. Check out what I'll be reading this week, hopefully. The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney -I am beyond HAPPY to be reading this book, I've been stalking the author non-stop since such a long time ago it feels like forever! YES I've stalked her WITHOUT reading her book but I seriously couldn't help myself she's so much fun and happy and good! After all, she was the person from whom I won a SIGNED copy of Where She Went by Gayle Forman.  Daisy has known for a long time now how difficult it is for me to get books...