
Showing posts with the label ally condie

Stacking The Shelves #18 -Books Make Me Smile, A LOT-

Stacking The Shelves  is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews . Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week. Inspired by TST IMMs' posts. Here's what will be stacking my shelves this week ************* Well well well... See? I had planned to make this pretty little vlog with me rambling as always but from a different setting... When all of a sudden... In comes the WHOLE FAMILY -_- As in uncles coming from the US and aunts reuniting with the grams... argh... It was... full. Anyway... All my plans were thrown away by them all... Don't get me wrong, I love my family BUT they can be a little too demanding and crowding at times :( So here I am, yet again with pictures/photos that I don't think do justice to the prettiness I got O_O Don't think I've forgotten about the -secret giveaway on THIS POST but I told you I'd announce the winner via vlog, and so far that hasn't been possible... So for now...

Bookography #11

Bookography is a post created by Kristina from  Kristina's World of Books . Where you can combine both of my very favorite things in the world. Photography & Books ;) So grab a camera and do your thing. You don't have to be a professional or anything like that. Just share your love of books through a picture and that's it ;) -She usually posts them on wednesdays~  So make sure you stop by her blog and share the love! -Everyone has something of beauty about them- Crossed by Ally Condie There was nothing done to the picture hehe but if you are wondering all those are thorns and sadly the bush didn't have any blooming flowers to show you just how ironic this plant is. This HUGE thorns 'protect' really tiny miniature flowers >.< though the flowers are gorgeous! Hope one day I get to take a picture of one so I can show you guys. As for the quote... Isn't it true?

BookPic of the Week #1

 Wow! I came up with this idea a long time ago and I've never had the time or the right picture to showcase what I called BookPic of the Week ...yeah yeah, it says in the description of this post that is a picture that has to do a lot with books...but I'm changing it quite a bit. It won't only be a book cover, book quote, or the likes, but also a picture that I took anywhere that reminds me of a book, a certain book cover, or a book passage or quote. So there you go, I hope I can have more time to take photos and even more time to find some place, patience and, creativity in me to make them even a little bit beautiful :D  I'm no professional photographer nor do I know a thing about editing pictures haha I just love the fact that a single picture can say so much or so little without a single word, the look on people's faces when they look at said's the most amazing face they could ever if they'd pay to be inside the picture!  And wel...