
Showing posts with the label heaven

On My -Currently Reading- Shelf

I have never been one to read more than one book at a time but for some reason I refuse to put 2 of the next 3 books back on my TBR pile and instead just continue having them on my Goodreads' -currently reading- shelf hahaha Actively reading; Claimed by M. Never (Decadence After Dark #2) - goodreads - MAN!!!!! These books are HAWT and SEXY and damn! Really... I have no words. They're yummy if you're into the dominant type ;) No more to say, just read them. They're fast reads too! The two books I'm not actively reading are; Salt by Nayyirah Waheed - goodreads - I'm easily influenced and convinced to try to read poetry, specially this kind AND it's all #bookstagram 's fault XD so that's why I even own this book, it was free and I had been seeing a lot of poems from it for a while now, I couldn't pass up the chance to download it to my kindle. I usually pull this up on my app when I'm waiting in line while running errands ...