
Showing posts with the label release day

-Release Day Blast- Then, Now, Forever by Teodora Kostova

Welcome to the release day Blast for Teodora's Heartbeat book #2! Hope to have the review done soon! Then  Gia had let Beppe into her life so easily, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She’d held him when he’d hurt so badly he’d thought he might die; she’d talked him down when he’d been so angry he’d considered doing something he’d regret for the rest of his life.  Gia had saved his life. At least once he needed to be strong for her . This right now, this moment, was theirs. It belonged to them, not to abusive or dead fathers, not to guilt, regret or sorrow, not to the past or the future. But will their love survive when tragedy separates them? “I have to go, Gia. I’m tired and I feel empty. I know you need me, but I have nothing left to give you. I need to heal.” “I miss you so much it’s hard to breathe.” Now Beppe was still Gia’s closest friend. But they’d never be anything more than that again. Remembering what it felt ...

-Happy Release Day!- A Touch Menacing by Leah Clifford

Happy Release Day!!!!!!! It's here you guys!! The book that I'm 99.9% sure will scar me for life, the book that will take my breath away, the book that will ruin me forever, the book that'll make me cry like no other... The book that I simply cannot wait to dive in even if I know my death awaits me at the end... Leah awesome Clifford, author of this AMAZING trilogy. Thanks so very very much for writing!! Thanks so much for being awesome! Thanks so very very VERY much for the kitten!! Thanks for Gabe, Az, Luke, K X_X Thanks for not ignoring my constant stalking!! Ahhh!!! Thanks for everything!!! I am incredibly terrified and extremely thrilled to have found your first book thanks to my fave blogger, Rachel aka Fiktshun !! But here I am... Making one final stand before I become someone else after reading this book... Just wanting to wish you a very happy ATM3 release day!!!! Let's get to know a bit more about the book then :D WARNING The book des...