
Showing posts with the label fangirls

-BookPics Is Curious- Canada&USA ¿Seriously?

I seriously seriously shouldn't even say I'm a blogger anymore!! It's been FOREVER since I posted and I feel awful. Not because I haven't posted but because I have so much to say and I haven't taken the time to actually write it down somewhere, anywhere. And then of course comes the part where I completely forgot about my blogoversary last month and this month as well so I might as well just cry in a corner for the rest of my life. I'm so so sorry -pets blog- my life has been completely and utterly hectic this year working on some paperwork and then moving and then moving again and traveling and dreaming and dreaming some more that I haven't even had the chance to read much which simply put, sucks. I miss blogging. I miss rambling on and on about silly things and not so silly things. I miss sharing with the world my thoughts on books I loved or didn't love that much, I miss stalking my favorite authors so much!! I miss stalking my favorite blog...