
Showing posts with the label dauntless

-my reading thoughts- Divergent by Veronica Roth

Have you ever been hyped so bad about a book...wait for it more than seemed possible and then devour it in less than 2 days...only to be left feeling...weird? That's how it was and still is for me and my reading of Divergent. I was trying so hard to get it and when I finally did I waited almost a month to open it and start reading... I devoured every single page...but at the end... When I sat down to try and rearrange my thoughts into some kind of review, it just did't came. I loved the book but hated the book... Getting it? Yeap, me neither. So let me just tell you, briefly, my thoughts. Everyone grows up wanting to fit in, wondering what someone will do when adult... This world that Veronica created takes that away from you but even more. The factions... the divisions, the families, everything sounded so creepy yet it kind of held some kind of truth in between them. And I really would like to just go on and on about the amazing writing, the completely lovable...