
Showing posts with the label reading challenge

New Year, New BookPics

(Sorry I didn't check the grammar much on this post-I was just too excited to finally feel inspired and happy enough to post again on the blog.) Sorry sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've sucked as a blogger. Life hasn't been good nor bad. But I just wasn't feeling it T_T Anyway. Here it goes... Does "too late" exist? This morning I was going through emails, instagram, facebook, pictures... And I found out I want to learn something... something I never thought I'd want to learn. And I've started looking for places to learn it... I'm scared though, always always scared. As I've always been whenever I try something new, especially after failing time and time again. Am I too old to change my dreams? My goals? Seriously, I know I just have to pray and be stronger than before. Be who I am without apology. Stop trying to please everyone and start pleasing me and be true to myself. I'm not who I am just because, God let me be...

-review- Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent

~*~ Goodreads ~*~ Amazon ~* ~ ********** This is the story of how I lost my life... Wait. No!! This is a REVIEW or you know, the chronicle of my life while reading the book, my feelings throughout my reading... The thing is... I died so many times while reading this single book I think I'm not even human anymore, not that I'd care to be a reaper knowing I'd join Tod ~sigh~ and Kay :D But before I start... just so you know... even the 'Dedication' of this book is AMAZING and almost brought me to tears~happy ones~ :'( It just shows how Rachel appreciates each and every reader of her books out there, and I felt cherished and loved right there on the spot...reading that dedication... I stayed up even later than normal that night to continue my reading of this book! ~But Tod was the same. Only better~ There hasn't been a series I have read in which ALL characters are described in such a way and that their lives and actions affect tremendously...

Before I Wake Mini? Reading Challenge!

Once again! ~let's dance~ Okay... This is the THIRD challenge(besides the goodreads one)that I'm joining this year! And it feels completely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. This time I'm joining! ~The challenge button is also on the sidebar if you'd rather just click and go directly to the challenge post~ I think you already know just how much of a Fiktshun   follower stalker I am. And to have her host first, the Soul Screamers Reading Challenge and now the, Before I Wake Mini-Reading Challenge is just... my senses went crazy when I saw her post officially starting the challenge. You guys!!!! If ANY of you has read all the previous Soul Screamers books and haven't yet decided to read, purchase, reread, get, recommend... Before I Wake, PLEASE.PLEASE. reconsider! I'm joining for sure! I've already read the book (Thank you Rachel!!!) but I'm still working on my review :D and I'd be really really happy if you were to join the challenge!! So, withou...

-reread thoughts- My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent

Oh WOW and when I say WOW I mean WOW. Literally. I can't believe that after such an awful experience rereading My Soul to Save, this one was completely the opposite! I can't believe how much I LOOOOOOOOOOOVED this book. Kaylee still has the hero complex but while in MSTSave I hated it, in this one I simply loved it. There really is no other word I can think of right now. I'm still Team Nash...barely...up until the middle of the book...then I'm Team NOTHING because neither Nash nor Tod earned my trust at the end of this book. This, for me, is one of the hardest times Kay goes through and I loved that Em has a really strong presence while the story develops as well as Kay's dad... Have I told you how much I love both Kay's dad & Nash's mom?  There really aren't many fictional/fantasy parents out there that stick with me even long after finishing the book. They simply rock the plot and add that spice that not many can manage. So, hats off a...

-reread thoughts- My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent

This is the sound of my... frustration.... ~AN->Again, I am not reviewing as I would any other book.  This books hold a special place in my heart~ Oh God. This I-don't-know-what-number-of-reread time of reading...was a long and suffering one. This is officially my LEAST favorite book of the series...this means of course that all are my favorites and that I love them all but I love this one less than the others. I reread this book having in mind what author Rachel Vincent once said about this book.  I wanted so desperately to keep in mind what she said, that this book is a pivotal one... But in the end... I just couldn't stop thinking that this is exactly were everything goes downward for Kaylee and everybody near her. Listing My Reasons of Freaking-Out * I have to say this is the book in which I LOVE NASH the most. He's so protective and loving and caring and it shows that he really just wants only what's best for Kaylee and tries to keep her on tra...

-reread thoughts- My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent

This is the very first time for me doing a kind of review for a reread of a book. When I found out that Fiktshun was having a reading challenge for none other than the Soul Screamers series I just HAD to sign up. I've never participated on a reading challenge before but THIS right here was one of the 2 perfect  opportunities  that presented themselves to me this year. (You can still sign up for the challenge by clicking on the left sidebar button.) ~Sighs~ Where to begin? Hehe don't worry this won't be a long rant. This is, I think, my 7nth time rereading this books...ever since I found them randomly on YA-books list on Scribd I knew I had to have them. The books mean a lot to me since I read them before I became a reviewer ^_^ and I still hold them close to my heart. Rereading this yet again helped me remember why I fell in love with the story and it's characters in the first place.  Why I always have and always will be a huge admirer of the heroine ...

Joining the Soul Screamers Reading Challenge

I know, I know. You guys are all like, Alba, really? Reading those books yet AGAIN? Well ladies, gentlemen, beautiful people, I'm here to tell you that the answer to that interrogative is a round, big, completely cute  YES~with a lot of exclamation marks~ !!!!!!!!!!! Rachel@Fiktshun is hosting her very first reading challenge this year. And what other better way to start than with the complete trauma of mine, Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers series . There are exactly 5 whole books out with 3 novellas to go with them, and even an omnibus with the first novella and 2 first books. The challenge will last only until the next installment of the series comes out which is set to be released on June this year. You don't have to be a blogger to join the challenge, just some way to post a review(goodreads, facebook, etc.) It doesn't matter if you have already reviewed the books you can still join in the fun and maybe post about the rereading experience. ...