
Showing posts with the label stormhunter

-review- Roar by Cora Carmack

- goodreads - "Your head may have forgotten, but your heart has not. Remember that in the future. Now go. She will wake soon." This book! This book! Okay, I've got to admit I was wary about reading it because of how hyped the book had somewhat become but guys... guys I don't know how or why or when or really what happened but there was this something about the writing of this book that instantly, just like that -makes clicking sound- had me hooked.  I loved the innocence but fierceness that Aurora portrayed, she reminded me so much of how teens actually think, at least how I used to think as a teen, alas I wasn't born to be queen of a land plagued by mortal storms or twisters or fog or tidal waves or lightning or fires BUT I sill enjoyed that breath of fresh air that was her and the way she thought and acted. I rooted for all of her... be her Rora or Aurora or Roar or any other name she may come up with. I get ya girl, I get ya. "I know the tas...