
Showing posts with the label after reading

BookPics is Curious -Stunned by a Lover Reborn- J.R.Ward's

I'm here to tell you... I just finished reading Lover Reborn, book 10 on the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, by J. R. Ward... And I'm left utterly empty... I don't know what else to say... I feel like all of me was so into the book that now that it has ended I'm left with nothing else but the feeling that a part of me will forever remain burrowed between the pages of that book. I had not expected to be this much in love with the story as I am, and forever be... I had not expected to laugh so hard. I had not expected to cry so much at the very last pages of the book... I had to just ramble a bit about the book because seriously... That's why this blog's here right? To share and talk and talk about the books I love... And just when I thought I had read it all, had felt it all, had experienced it all... This woman/author/writer whatever you want to call her, comes in, barges into my shelves, sits her behind there, and then robs me of everything...