
Showing posts with the label rachel vincent

-Review- With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent

Goodreads Shortie: What does it mean when your school is voted the most dangerous in America? It's time to kick some hellion butt... My Thoughts? I have to say, being me and feeling all the things I feel while reading a book. I have never EVER, in all my years as a reader, gone through something as powerful and as traumatic and as amazing as what I went through while reading With All My Soul. I take my shoes and hat off for author Rachel Vincent, who not only managed to keep me hooked in a series 7 books long but also made me forget all about the really scary sequel syndrome, the awful thing of having to give up on a series... And all the other bad things that might happen when reading a series. She not only made me forget but believe. To this day I have yet to read a book of hers (YA, since I've yet to read all of her adultPR ones) that hasn't left me speechless, breathless and begging for more. And with this last book came not only that awesome feeling ...

-BookPics is Curious- What Book Did You Just Finish?

Oh my gOd!! I've been kind of on some sort of reading roll... I've been all over the place yet in only one place. I've cried so hard because of books this past week but also smiled and screamed and teared up and melted and you know, your typical Alba while in the action or process of reading. And the books I've just recently finished reading have gotten me all worked up because of them that now that I'm off to start some new ones... The bar is kind of on a really really high scale. The masterpieces, the pure awesome art, the incredible delectable words and worlds I've read written by the talented and blessed authors... They have come and scrambled with my mind and my heart and seriously? Being honest, they've also messed with my rating and reviewing view... How can I continue rating wish such a simple rating system? When presented with THOSE books?! THOSE stories? I have no right and yet... That's what I've got. The ONLY thing that I'...

Stacking The Shelves #23 I Don't Think I Bought THAT many. Right?

Stacking The Shelves  is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews . Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week. Inspired by TST IMMs' posts. ************* I've been saving. A LOT. To buy some books via book depo since the bookstores here apparently don't love me as much as I thought they did. But then I remembered, wait a minute... I haven't visited a bookstore in like 2 or 3 months... So maybe there's this slim chance that they have something new. Though I seriously didn't get my hopes THAT high. I visited one of the 2 that exist here, and that bookstore is kind of famous for bringing new tittles from time to time but I also know them as the ones with the WORST PRICING CHOICE EVER... If a book's supposed to be (as said on the back of said book) lets say, $8.99 I'm all for them raising it a bit higher... let's say... $11.00 or something... But nope, these guys think I'm an idiot or something....

-BookPics 2012 Top 20 + 2 Reads-

WOAH there... 20? Really Alba... couldn't you even pretend you could make a short list? Nooo... This missy had to go ALL the way to the 2 + 0 number... -don't add that...math's not the point :D- But you see... I tried making the list all sorts of different and I MIGHT do that anyway... Dividing them into the ones that made me cry... made me laugh... Making a MOODY 2012 READS but these ones... These ones were reads that... stuck with me... I don't think I'll ever be able to get over them... Maybe with time and some therapy in between it could be done. But while we wait... Let's take a look at the books I picked... struggled to choose... Lost sleep over kind of thing... Argh... Don't ramble don't ramble. Oh, I almost forgot. I did TONS of rereading this past year but I won't put those on the list... I mean... There IS a reason why I rerereread them. Right? Okay, let's see how we do this :D 20. Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward [Wi...

-A [Fikt] shun Week- The End (Cries)

Don't forget to enter the giveaway going on on  THIS  post. Awwwwwwwwwwwww Guys!!!!!!!! This is the end!!! I had so much fun having such an amazing event over here!! I never, in all my life, would have thought that all these people would agree and support this on my blog! This is definitely one of those things that I'll never NEVER forget! Thanks to everyone who stopped by to read and even more so everyone who commented here and there, if you didn't know about Fiktshun , I hope you do now! Also, I really want to thank each and every single one of the guests that I had here. From bloggers; Jaime, Mindy, Maricar, Ina, Ashley: my neighbor Ana, and authors Samantha Young and M.R. Merrick...but wait... There are 2 more people I must thank!!! First is the one and only... Rachel @ Fiktshun . I didn't know how she would react to this so I'm grateful that I'm still standing and in one piece... That's got to count for something right? Rachelita!! I h...