
Showing posts with the label book passion for life

Blogoversary Question-Attack with Donna @BPFL

Another day of celebration! Hope you're enjoying and stalking away!! ~gasps~ Donna from Book Passion For Life is my victim, I mean, guest today :D If I started to tell you how I met Donna you'd fall asleep before actually getting to the interview itself but let's just say I met her before she started the blog with Jess :D  She's an amazing person and blogger AND I'm actually completely jealous of her accent, thank you very much! 's Donna Thank you so much for asking me to take part!  1. We can't start without trying to know a bit about yourself. So, can you tell us a bit about you?  Hi, I'm 26-year-old mother of one and I currently live in Birmingham with my daughter and partner. I work part time in a boring office job renting houses and I'm a full time I'm a blogger over at Book Passion for Life (which I love). I love reading, I love food and I love chocolate! =) Oh and hot fictional guys! 2. What do you think are you...