Bookography #11
Bookography is a post created by Kristina from Kristina's World of Books . Where you can combine both of my very favorite things in the world. Photography & Books ;) So grab a camera and do your thing. You don't have to be a professional or anything like that. Just share your love of books through a picture and that's it ;) -She usually posts them on wednesdays~ So make sure you stop by her blog and share the love! -Everyone has something of beauty about them- Crossed by Ally Condie There was nothing done to the picture hehe but if you are wondering all those are thorns and sadly the bush didn't have any blooming flowers to show you just how ironic this plant is. This HUGE thorns 'protect' really tiny miniature flowers >.< though the flowers are gorgeous! Hope one day I get to take a picture of one so I can show you guys. As for the quote... Isn't it true?