A Happy 1-year Blogoversary Letter To...FIKTSHUN
Dear Rachel @ FIKTSHUN Oh god if only I were that amazing and awesome and dedicated and lived not here but there *-* -stares off into space- Fiktshun is 1 year old people and even though I have to admit I haven't been with her the WHOLE YEAR*-* She still had THIS button for her blog-> I do have that I found her early THIS year and have been a complete shameless~okay maybe with a bit of guilt but I know I apologize for it often enough~stalker I find it that it's one of my favourite sites to visit whenever I want to: 1. Leave a looooonger than liiiiiife comment 2.Read long reviews with a twist of torture that feeds my masochism for book teasers that don't spoil a think. 3.To watch book trailers all in one post for my benefit ;) 4. To read random thoughts. 5. To watch the book watch ~get it? lol~ ¬¬ GET IT! ¬¬ you sooo need to go to her blog if you don't! 6. Because I can leave longer comments than the longer than life ones ;) 7. Because sh...