Showing posts with label Bill Richardson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Richardson. Show all posts

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy: November 22, 2008

Life: Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Looking down onto fish balloon & crowds lining street during Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. November 25, 1941, Photographer: John Phillips

Wicked cold here today, big wind gusts outside. Brrr.

Today is the 45th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I was only 6 so I don't remember it that well. I remember being sent home from school early. It was the first time I saw my parents cry. The TV was on all the time for several days, the black and white Zenith a constant presence, my parents tearing up and leaving the room every once in awhile. I remember the funeral, the huge cortege, the slow, heavy pomp and circumstance of it all, and of course John John saluting the casket (hard to believe that he is dead). Others remember November 22, 1963 here, here, here, and here.

The Obama daughters are going to attend Sidwell Friends School, the same private school that Chelsea Clinton went to, where they will join Joe Biden's granddaughters as students.

President-Elect Obama is poised to name Timothy Greithner Treasury Secretary, Bill Richardson Commerce Secretary (those two are pretty well confirmed), and Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva as Secretary of the Interior (not final). So far, a very strong group, less progressive than I would like and not enough vagina-Americans. (Check out Tzvee's Talmudic Blog for a day-by-day rundown on whether or not Obama's appointees are Jews. So far the Jewish-Americans are kicking the Vagina-American's asses, metaphorically speaking. Maybe that's because they earned it: 78% of Jews voted for Barack. Yes they did. But Barack, come on, more vagina-Americans. Especially if you're going to put the loathesome Larry Summers in the White House. We've got the necessities, really.)

The burgeoning private prison system is concentrated in the reddest states that went for John McCain. Why? To gerrymander Congress. Because prisoners are counted as residents of the state where they are incarcerated by the United States census. Check out the counties with big prison populations on this map. If your neighbor is arrested in Massachusetts, and gets shipped to a private prison in South Carolina, they're counted as a resident of South Carolina for census purposes. The federal government's crackdown on immigration has also increased the prison population.

Is GE corn from Monsanto the Roman lead pipe of our age? Another terrifying story of the Republican Party's theory of deregulation gone horribly amuck: scientific tests have found that genetically engineered corn is linked to increased infertility. As scientists tested successive generations of mice, "the infertility of the GM-corn-fed rodents became more pronounced with each passing litter." Monsanto may be poisoning our planet forever and causing our own extinction.

If you're driving somewhere for Thanksgiving, read this excellent article at dailykos on how to share the road with truckers, how to drive in bad weather, how to react to problems. Just an excellent refresher on being a good driver.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kerry Endorses Obama

Erik S. Lesser for The New York Times

Senator John Kerry endorsed the presidential candidacy of Senator Barack Obama on Thursday at a rally in Charleston, S.C.

John Kerry announced in South Carolina today that he is endorsing Barack Obama. More importantly, he is giving him the enormous email list (3,000,000 strong) he developed during his 2004 Presidential campaign.

More emails for me! I'm on both lists already.

This is not really a surprise. Kerry and Edwards have had a strained relationship (Elizabeth Edwards' book says John Edwards wanted to contest the results in Ohio in 2004, but was overruled by Kerry who took his $16 million and went home), and Hillary Clinton called Kerry's botched jokes about education or Iraq "inappropriate".

Thursday, January 03, 2008

If I Lived In Iowa

Who would I caucus for tonight? For months I've been an Obama supporter. But now I'm wavering. Because Obama has been spouting the right-wing lines left and right (no pun intended). The Social Security "crisis", let's compromise with Republicans, and this week a dig at John Edwards for being a trial lawyer. Hello, Mr. Harvard Law, almost $8,000,000 of your fundraising has come from lawyers, and that's not all $20 donations from civil rights attorneys.

And what Democrat in their right mind goes after trial lawyers? We are after all the last bulwark against corporate power. Do you think that once you make it impossible for ordinary citizens to bring lawsuits, that the corporations will give up their gold-plated attorneys? Hello? There's a reason Shakespeare wrote, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Not to make the world better for our corporate oligarchs, but to clear the path for tyranny.

And John Edwards is running a very progressive campaign. I'm a true-blue liberal, and I want to vote for a progressive Democrat (like many in the blogosphere). I completely agree with Edwards' contention that corporate power must be opposed head-on. You can't win a fight unless you are willing to fight. I love Atrios' description of the three major Democratic candidates:

Obama: The system sucks, but I'm so awesome that it'll melt away before me.

Edwards: The system sucks, and we're gonna have to fight like hell to destroy it.

Clinton: The system sucks, and I know how to work within it more than anyone.

Here's another reason I'd probably caucus for Edwards tonight: reportedly, Republicans will be crossing party lines (you can do that in the Iowa caucuses, another reason that lily-white state shouldn't be choosing the Democratic nominee) and they're all expected to go for Obama as part of a beat-ubermonsterfeminazi-Hillary, beat-progressive-Edwards strategy.

But the bottom line is, every Democratic candidate is better than every Republican candidate, hands down. I'll work for and donate to the Democratic candidate, whether it's Edwards, Obama, or Clinton, or Dodd, Richardson or Biden. We must take back our country this year. It's now or never.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

If You Lived In Iowa or New Hampshire: Bill Richardson

Here's his stump speech. It's moved him into 3rd place in New Hampshire.

hat tip to the Liberal Values blog, which I saw on Newsfare

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

If You Lived In Iowa or New Hampshire: Bill Richardson

Two Richardson ads on the subject of energy policy and global warming:

hat tip Scrutiny Hooligans

Monday, June 11, 2007

To Do List: Be An Activist

De-Authorize the War Now. Sign Bill Richardson's petition to Congress to de-authorize the war before the summer break.

Save the free and open internet. Use the button on the right to send your story to the FCC. The comment period ends June 15th, so don't delay.

Write to Al Gore, if you want him to run for President. Or if you don't. The address of his Nashville office is 2100 W End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203. Sign the petition to draft Al. Check out pictures of the solar panels on the roof of his house here (he had to petition to change the zoning laws to install them!)

Use the Sudan Divestment Task Force's Screening Tool to learn if any of your investments are in the Sudan.

Stop Big Media. Use the links on the right to contact the FCC to protect local media, promote diversity, and stop Rupert Murdoch from taking over the information delivery highway.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

If You Lived In Iowa or New Hampshire: Bill Richardson

These are the ads Bill Richardson is running in Iowa and New Hampshire; he's been rising in the polls on their strength.

hat tip to MyDD

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

News Round-Up, January 23, 2007

Stories I didn't get around to this weekend, in no particular order:

Yesterday was Blog for Choice day (see photo, above). Why am I pro-choice? Because I believe women are equal and free. In order for women to be equal and free, we have to have the right to make decisions about what happens to our bodies. It's that simple. Digby nails the argument.

Steve Clemons at the Washington Note asks Bill Richardson, do you have a problem with inappropriate behavior towards women? Making lewd gestures to women. Jeez. If I worked with him, I'd already have been fired for kicking him in the jewels. Welcome to the 21st century, Bill.

Scooter Libby is using the Marion Barry defense: "Bitch set me up!" The bitch being Karl Rove.

The NYTimes sez, lower your cholesterol the old-fashioned way, with niacin (vitamin B).

The NYTimes also has a ridiculous article peddling White House spin about how involved Chimpy McFlightsuit is in editing his speeches. Right. The guy doesn't like to read, but he's a great editor.

The US has created a new superbug, an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, in Iraq; according to Wired News, 700 US soldiers have been infected to date.

The WaPo ran an attack-piece on the front page this weekend about the sale of John Edwards's house; TPM has been following the blow-back.

Steve Gilliard's News Blog moved. Note to self, update bookmarks.