Showing posts with label Caroline Kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caroline Kennedy. Show all posts

Monday, January 28, 2008

Obama Wins South Carolina 2 to 1, Gains Kennedy Endorsements

Obama crushed Hillary Clinton 2 to 1 in South Carolina, the first state in the primary cycle with a less than lily-white population. Bill Clinton then stuck his foot in his mouth and said, and I quote, “Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in ’84 and ’88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here.”

You know, Bill, you only had to go back to 2004 if your point was, winning South Carolina doesn't guarantee the nomination (John Edwards won SC in 2004 but John Kerry was the nominee.) We all know why you went back 20 and 24 years to the only other black candidate ever to win a Presidential primary. Not pretty.

Ted Kennedy and his neice Caroline Kennedy (daughter of JFK) also endorsed Obama. There are reports that Ted decided to endorse because of Bill Clinton's Jesse Jackson comment.

Other Obama news:

- Robert Novak, that unreliable source, reports that Obama plans to make John Edwards his Attorney General if he wins the Presidency. Whether this is true or not, by his very reporting of it you can tell it strikes fear in the dark heart of Novakula. Personally, I'd rather seen John E. on the Supreme Court.

- Obama is revealed as a Hammer, that is, a fan of the English Premier League football club West Ham. (As a Liverpool fan I can't link to the Sun, the paper which originally reported the story, so here's a blog linking to that blood-stained rag.) He's forever blowing bubbles.