Paul Newman, Eugene McCarthy delegate, at the 1968 Democratic ConventionPaul Newman died on Friday night. He was a great actor and philanthropist who lived a full and rich life. He was a capital L Liberal who put his money where his mouth was, endorsing Democratic candidates (from
Eugene McCarthy to
Ned Lamont) and raising hundreds of millions for charity with his
Newman's Own food brand and
Hole in the Wall camps for kids with serious illnesses.
You had to love a guy who said "the
highest single honor I ever received" was being #19 on Nixon's Enemies List. You had to love a guy who
was #19 on Nixon's Enemies List. Farewell to a great man.
Vanity Fair: The Newman ChroniclesNYTimes: Paul Newman, a Magnetic Titan of Hollywood, Is Dead at 83Vanity Fair: Hard Act to Follow (photo gallery)Telegraph (uk): Paul Newman, a life in pictures (photo gallery)
NYTimes: Paul Newman in Pictures