Showing posts with label John Murtha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Murtha. Show all posts
Thursday, April 17, 2008
McLame: Too Old To Be President
Sez someone who knows: Rep. John Murtha, age 75.
AP: Murtha says McCain too old to be president
When is he going to release his tax returns? Maybe he forgot.Besides being too old, John McCain McSame McBush, would be happy to see American troops in Iraq for the next 100 years. Wrong for 2008, wrong for America.
2008 Election,
George W. Bush,
John McCain,
John Murtha,
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Democrats Finding Voice
1. Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) blasted John McCain on the floor of the House yesterday for joking about putting an IED under Jon Stewart's desk:
ThinkProgress: Murtha Slams McCain Over ‘Outrageous’ IED Joke
As he has with all criticism recently, McCain said it was all just a joke.
2. Cartoonist Tom Tomorrow with a devastating cartoon with quotes from all the gasbag corporate media pundits who got the Iraq War horribly wrong.
Corporate Media,
John McCain,
John Murtha,
Jon Stewart,
Tom Tomorrow
Friday, November 17, 2006
Blogtopia* Roundup
DC media Kool Kidz Klub apply following purple prose to Nancy Pelosi: too reliant on a tight inner circle; 'she shattered party unity', 'fratricide'; a 'liberal idealist' for supporting conservative Jack Murtha for House Whip; Digby says media are applying Clinton Rules Redux, 'cause
For some reason, when Democrats are in power the press corps immediately goes from being merely shallow to insufferable, sophomoric assholes.
See, also, Glenn Greenwald: Beltway attacks on Nancy Pelosi; John Murtha: Let's Get To Work
Bush Administration hires gynecologist opposed to contraception and abortion to family planning position at Health and Human Services; Digby says: Bush Hires Latest Sacha Baron Cohen Character, with picture of said doctor and his cheesy porn-star moustache. Pharyngula critiques his scientific beliefs and finds them wanting: Bad science? It's OK—just put him in charge of women's health
If you've got the stomach for it, go to the News Blog and watch the video of UCLA campus police (part of LAPD, natch) tasering a student in the library 5 times because he won't leave quietly. And after the first tasering, they are tasering him because he can't get up after being tasered. Sick, sick, police state stuff. (Who would Jesus taser? asks Americablog.)
Billmon with an interesting perspective on newly-Democratic, newly-progressive, newly-elected Virginia Senator Jim Webb: Comrade Webb; read Webb's Wall Street Journal op-ed here: Class Struggle.
Today is Democratic Party Chair Howard Dean's 58th birthday: dailykos: Happy Birthday, Howard Dean!. Go to and throw the Dems some money for Howard's birthday. I gave $20.58. Thanks, Howard.
*yes! skippy coined that phrase!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
At Least My Congressman Didn't Vote For The Next War
Don't our representatives in Congress learn from their own mistakes? Having given the Decider-in-Chimp a blank check for war with Iraq, which he has filled out, to date, with over 2400 American deaths, over 100,000 Iraqi deaths, over $320 billion dollars; and has us stuck in a complete quagmire, how could Congress possibly go down that road again? I ask again, isn't doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result the definition of insanity?
Thank you Jim McGovern (D-MA) for voting against this charade. House votes 397-21 for “Iran Freedom Support Act”
As if Iraq isn’t a big enough mess, the House of Representatives has just voted to 'hold Iran accountable and support a transition to democracy’. Sound Familiar? Only this time Iran is a democracy. They just held an election where their president was actually elected by the people. How refreshing.
After everything that has been exposed…the lies, the profiteering, the long list of war crimes, 397 'Representatives’ gave Bush the go ahead on attacking Iran. Only 21 Patriots voted Nay. Sad to say but these are the only people we can trust…
Baldwin, Blumenauer, Boyd, DeFazio, Duncan, Flake, Hostettler, Jones (NC), Kucinich, Leach, McDermott, McGovern, McKinney, Oberstar, Obey, Olver, Paul, Rahall, Snyder, Stark, Taylor
The most disappointing aspect however is the fact that so many of our 'progressive’ leaders in congress voted for this lie. John Conyers voted yay. Maxine Waters, Murtha, Bernie Sanders, Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee all voted for it. On the hill today the Progressive Caucus is hosting a hearing on Iraq…
Congresswomen Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee will host a hearing on the Iraq War next Thursday, April 27, 8:30-11 a.m., in 2325 Rayburn House Office Building. The two Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are continuing to do what the "leadership" of both parties does not, respond to the demands of the majority of Americans, who disapprove of current policy.
Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee just voted yay on giving the green light for war on Iran. I can assure them that the demands of the majority of Americans are not in accordance with their vote on Iran. We are supposed to believe that these representatives 'can get fooled again’? Are they merely posing as the opposition in order to stall for Bush?
Drunken lout Sweeney (NY-20), with a strong challenger in the November elections, abstained. I wonder if that is a measure of the war's unpopularity in his district, or did he just have a hangover?
Jim McGovern,
John Conyers,
John Murtha,
John Sweeney,
Kirsten Gillibrand,
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Presstitute of the Day: Howie Kurtz
For relentlessly flogging the Republican effort to Swiftboat Jack Murtha. His Media Notes Online article is front paged on the WaPo website today, giving life to a story that a real journalist would have ignored and let die its own pathetic death. But Howie is a presstitute through and through.
A Swift-Moving Story
Howie whines in response to Murray Waas's criticism of his original article:
Howie: If you didn't have time to research the story adequately, you shouldn't have submitted it for publication. Why were you in such a rush, anyway? Was Mrs. Kurtz, Sheri Annis, Republican operative, on your case? Maybe I should buy your cell phone records to find out.
The real story on Murtha is on the op-ed pages of the New York Times today, by "James Webb, a secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, [] a Marine platoon and company commander in Vietnam."
Purple Heartbreakers
A Swift-Moving Story
Howie whines in response to Murray Waas's criticism of his original article:
I would welcome a deeper examination, as I had three hours to write the story on deadline. But I provided the needed context about Cybercast -- which was formerly called Conservative News Service -- and I'd note that the military, after all, decides when to hand out the medals.
Howie: If you didn't have time to research the story adequately, you shouldn't have submitted it for publication. Why were you in such a rush, anyway? Was Mrs. Kurtz, Sheri Annis, Republican operative, on your case? Maybe I should buy your cell phone records to find out.
The real story on Murtha is on the op-ed pages of the New York Times today, by "James Webb, a secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, [] a Marine platoon and company commander in Vietnam."
Purple Heartbreakers
The accusations against Mr. Murtha were very old news, principally coming from defeated political rivals. Aligned against their charges are an official letter from Marine Corps Headquarters written nearly 40 years ago affirming Mr. Murtha's eligibility for his Purple Hearts - "you are entitled to the Purple Heart and a Gold Star in lieu of a second Purple Heart for wounds received in action" - and the strict tradition of the Marine Corps regarding awards. While in other services lower-level commanders have frequently had authority to issue prestigious awards, in the Marines Mr. Murtha's Vietnam Bronze Star would have required the approval of four different awards boards.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Notorious House of Presstitution
This week's Notorious House of Presstitution Award goes to ..... drum roll, please ..... The Washington Post!
The Post triumphs over the rest of the fawning corporate media by having two blatant falsehoods trumpeted in its pages.
Article No. 1: On Saturday, Republican House Organ Howie Kurtz and Shailagh Murray published this little gem:
Web Site Attacks Critic of War
Opponents Question Murtha's Medals
Here, Republican operative Sheri Annis' husband "reports" the hysterical allegations of a right-wing propaganda machine whose most prominent client is GOPUSA, the group that owned Talon News and pimped Jeff Gannon/Jimmy Guckert into a coveted seat in the White House pressroom.
Yes, Virginia, in this article the Washington Post cites Cybercast News Service (CNS). A Republican website that works for GOPUSA.
And then the Post runs a quote from Harry Fox from 1996.
However, the Post leaves out the very salient fact (which was in the original CNS article) that Mr. Fox is now 81 years old and because of health reasons can no longer communicate whether or not this quote is accurate.
The Post article also leaves out the extremely salient fact that Saylor, who the now incommunicative Fox is trying to quote, has been DEAD since 1973.
Murray Waas deconstructs this steaming pile of horsepucky.
And that's not all, folks, because on Sunday the Washington Post's ombudsperson, Deborah Howell, continued the Post's Republican talking points journey.
Getting the Story on Jack Abramoff
This is a stupid and demonstrably false statement by Howell. No Democrat received money from Jack Abramoff. They did receive money from Abramoff's clients: The Indian tribes who were ripped off by Abramoff. There is no evidence that the tribes were attempting to bribe the Democrats. There is ample evidence that Abramoff was stealing from the Indians to bribe the Republican officials to funnel the money back into the coffers of Republican-owned businesses by passing legislation to do just so. That's why Abramoff just took a plea, you idiot.
Firedoglake did the best send-up of Howell: The Naked Lies of Deborah Howell
So, for these two shining examples of naked presstitution, we give the Washington Post the coveted Notorious House of Presstitution award. For this week, at least.
The Post triumphs over the rest of the fawning corporate media by having two blatant falsehoods trumpeted in its pages.
Article No. 1: On Saturday, Republican House Organ Howie Kurtz and Shailagh Murray published this little gem:
Web Site Attacks Critic of War
Opponents Question Murtha's Medals
Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.), the former Marine who is an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq, has become the latest Democrat to have his Vietnam War decorations questioned.
In a tactic reminiscent of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth assault on Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) during the 2004 presidential campaign, a conservative Web site yesterday quoted Murtha opponents as questioning the circumstances surrounding the awarding of his two Purple Hearts.
David Thibault, editor in chief of the Cybercast News Service, said the issue of Murtha's medals from 1967 is relevant now "because the congressman has really put himself in the forefront of the antiwar movement." Thibault said: "He has been placed by the Democratic Party and antiwar activists as a spokesman against the war above reproach."
Here, Republican operative Sheri Annis' husband "reports" the hysterical allegations of a right-wing propaganda machine whose most prominent client is GOPUSA, the group that owned Talon News and pimped Jeff Gannon/Jimmy Guckert into a coveted seat in the White House pressroom.
Yes, Virginia, in this article the Washington Post cites Cybercast News Service (CNS). A Republican website that works for GOPUSA.
And then the Post runs a quote from Harry Fox from 1996.
The article included a 1996 quote from Harry Fox, who worked for former representative John Saylor (R-Pa.), telling a local newspaper that Murtha was "pretending to be a big war hero." Fox, who lost a 1974 election to Murtha, said the 38-year Marine veteran had asked Saylor for assistance in obtaining the Purple Hearts but was turned down because the office believed he lacked adequate evidence of his wounds.
However, the Post leaves out the very salient fact (which was in the original CNS article) that Mr. Fox is now 81 years old and because of health reasons can no longer communicate whether or not this quote is accurate.
The Post article also leaves out the extremely salient fact that Saylor, who the now incommunicative Fox is trying to quote, has been DEAD since 1973.
Murray Waas deconstructs this steaming pile of horsepucky.
And that's not all, folks, because on Sunday the Washington Post's ombudsperson, Deborah Howell, continued the Post's Republican talking points journey.
Getting the Story on Jack Abramoff
Several stories, including one on June 3 by Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, a Post business reporter, have mentioned that a number of Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) and Sen. Byron Dorgan (N.D.), have gotten Abramoff campaign money.
This is a stupid and demonstrably false statement by Howell. No Democrat received money from Jack Abramoff. They did receive money from Abramoff's clients: The Indian tribes who were ripped off by Abramoff. There is no evidence that the tribes were attempting to bribe the Democrats. There is ample evidence that Abramoff was stealing from the Indians to bribe the Republican officials to funnel the money back into the coffers of Republican-owned businesses by passing legislation to do just so. That's why Abramoff just took a plea, you idiot.
Firedoglake did the best send-up of Howell: The Naked Lies of Deborah Howell
So, for these two shining examples of naked presstitution, we give the Washington Post the coveted Notorious House of Presstitution award. For this week, at least.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Presstitute of Day: Nina Easton
Play the exciting corporate media game "Name That Source" with Nina Easton in today's Boston Globe as she channels all sorts of Bushco spinners:
Kinder, gentler Bush seen as '06 style
Seeks to boost GOP with compassionate conservative return
Why let yourself be used to put out spin? This is journalism? Or it just pillow talk?
Because Nina Easton is from the Howie Kurtz School of Journalism. Keeps it in the family, where they all, in baseball parlance, bat right and throw right.
Here's the announcement of her wedding to Russell Schriefer from the New York Times.
Nina Easton, Presstitute.
Kinder, gentler Bush seen as '06 style
Seeks to boost GOP with compassionate conservative return
WASHINGTON -- Climbing his way out of low public ratings and facing a bruising battle to maintain Republican control of Congress, President Bush is seeking to resurrect his early reputation as a compassionate conservative who reaches across the aisle, according to officials close to the White House.
''We learned our lesson last time," said one GOP strategist close to the White House, referring to the president's ill-fated Social Security plan.In the coming weeks, the president will continue to advertise progress in Iraq, and the war on terror, as well as highlighting good economic news.
''This White House is conscious of historical trends," said the same strategist. ''You're going to see a focus on legacy items -- war on terror and the economy, focus on creation of jobs."
But the public will also hear the president talk more about education initiatives to bridge the wage gap, as well as conservative ideas to address poverty, especially as New Orleans recovers from Hurricane Katrina, according to officials close to the White House.
President Bush, strategists say, needs to be careful not to anger his conservative base, as he did when he proposed a guest-worker immigrant program. Immigration, officials say, is an issue he will continue to approach gingerly, mostly talking broadly about border security.
Fiscal conservatives remain angry about high deficits and the levels of government spending, so the president is unlikely to make any expensive policy proposals in his State of the Union speech, officials say. Sweeping tax reform plans could also splinter the base and will probably be avoided, they add.
Republican strategists, mindful of the upcoming November election, will also look for opportunities to trap Democrats on Capitol Hill into potentially embarrassing votes, just as they did when Republican House leaders forced a vote after Representative John Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat and Marine veteran, proposed a withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
One area where the White House believes it has staunch public support is the disclosure that the administration, in pursuing terrorists, has wiretapped Americans without a court order. Republicans say they will win any vote that pits physical security against privacy concerns.
Democrats, meanwhile, will try to use the burgeoning ethics scandals to undermine the Bush agenda. ''On the ethics stuff, there's nothing Bush can do. He has no control," said one Republican lobbyist. ''But what he can control and needs to work on is the war. That's the more critical thing for him."
Why let yourself be used to put out spin? This is journalism? Or it just pillow talk?
Because Nina Easton is from the Howie Kurtz School of Journalism. Keeps it in the family, where they all, in baseball parlance, bat right and throw right.
Here's the announcement of her wedding to Russell Schriefer from the New York Times.
Mr. Schriefer, also 46, is a Republican strategist and a founder of the Stevens & Schriefer Group, the Washington-based political consulting firm; he has helped advised numerous Republicans, including Bob Dole in 1996 and George W. Bush in 2000. This year he served as the program director for the Republican Convention and was a media adviser to President Bush. The bridegroom graduated from Manhattan College.
Nina Easton, Presstitute.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
2006 Predictions
Jeanne Dixon I am not, but here goes:
1. Karl Rove indicted, resigns, gets job with Hudson Institute.
2. After spending the last quarter of 2005 vilifying John Murtha for suggesting that U.S. forces be drawn down and deployed to the borders of Iraq, BushCo will do just that in 2006. Prediction of numbers of American troops in Iraq, end of 2006: 80,000.
3. Liverpool wins Premier League in shocking upset over Chelsea. (Prediction or hope? You make the call.)
4. Argentina wins World Cup.
5. Neocons will begin sabre rattling about attacking Iran. Can you say, Mushroom cloud?
6. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson will each say something incredibly stupid and offensive.
7. Red Sox finish in second place in American League East behind MFY.
8. BushCo's vast data-mining operation will be exposed. Forget Christiane Amanpour. We've all been caught up.
9. When Fitzgerald's investigation begins to focus on Cheney, he resigns for health reasons. Condi appointed Vice President, Stephen Hadley appointed National Security Advisor.
10. Democrats sweep to victory in midterm elections, but electoral gerrymandering has been so successful that Republicans retain control of House of Representatives.
1. Karl Rove indicted, resigns, gets job with Hudson Institute.
2. After spending the last quarter of 2005 vilifying John Murtha for suggesting that U.S. forces be drawn down and deployed to the borders of Iraq, BushCo will do just that in 2006. Prediction of numbers of American troops in Iraq, end of 2006: 80,000.
3. Liverpool wins Premier League in shocking upset over Chelsea. (Prediction or hope? You make the call.)
4. Argentina wins World Cup.
5. Neocons will begin sabre rattling about attacking Iran. Can you say, Mushroom cloud?
6. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson will each say something incredibly stupid and offensive.
7. Red Sox finish in second place in American League East behind MFY.
8. BushCo's vast data-mining operation will be exposed. Forget Christiane Amanpour. We've all been caught up.
9. When Fitzgerald's investigation begins to focus on Cheney, he resigns for health reasons. Condi appointed Vice President, Stephen Hadley appointed National Security Advisor.
10. Democrats sweep to victory in midterm elections, but electoral gerrymandering has been so successful that Republicans retain control of House of Representatives.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Recruiting Woes
Bushco sends its generals out to rag on John Murtha. He's hurting recruiting, they say:
Lawmaker's Talk About Military Irks Joint Chiefs Chair
Here's what really hurts recruiting:
Pentagon Study Links Fatalities to Light Armor
Why does the Bush Administration hate the troops? Why have they let them die rather than properly equip them? Are they STILL, three years later, "surprised" by the insurgency?
Bremer Says U.S. Was Surprised by Insurgency
Just the usual. The incompetence, the corruption, the cronyism. Dumber than a bag of hammers, and half as useful. These bums have to go.
Lawmaker's Talk About Military Irks Joint Chiefs Chair
Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, criticized Rep. John P. Murtha yesterday for sending "the wrong message" to American youth when the congressman indicated in an interview this week that he would not join today's military.
Here's what really hurts recruiting:
Pentagon Study Links Fatalities to Light Armor
A secret Pentagon study has found that as many as 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor. Such armor has been available since 2003, but until recently the Pentagon has largely declined to supply it to troops despite calls from the field for additional protection, according to military officials.
The ceramic plates in vests now worn by the majority of troops in Iraq cover only some of the chest and back. In at least 74 of the 93 fatal wounds that were analyzed in the Pentagon study of marines from March 2003 through June 2005, bullets and shrapnel struck the marines' shoulders, sides or areas of the torso where the plates do not reach.
Thirty-one of the deadly wounds struck the chest or back so close to the plates that simply enlarging the existing shields "would have had the potential to alter the fatal outcome," according to the study, which was obtained by The New York Times.
For the first time, the study by the military's medical examiner shows the cost in lives from inadequate armor, even as the Pentagon continues to publicly defend its protection of the troops.
Why does the Bush Administration hate the troops? Why have they let them die rather than properly equip them? Are they STILL, three years later, "surprised" by the insurgency?
Bremer Says U.S. Was Surprised by Insurgency
Just the usual. The incompetence, the corruption, the cronyism. Dumber than a bag of hammers, and half as useful. These bums have to go.
Friday, December 09, 2005
How People Get Here
I installed a site meter a few months ago, and it's fascinating.
For example, would you have suspected that if you search 'President Dumbass' on google, I'm the #1 result? On yahoo, if you searched 'john murtha wackenhut', again, #1. On, someone searched '"death toll in gulf coast"', #1.
I get a lot of hits from people searching for info on David Ortiz, or people who must be wondering if he got named American League MVP (as he should have been). Sorry, hate to have to say this again, but the Baseball Writers gave it to the pretty loser, Alex Rodriguez (Slappy McBluelips).
I see Wackenhut a lot on my results. I ended up on the blogroll of the "Eye on Wackenhut" site, a watchdog organization maintained by SEIU, because I included them in one of my "The Incompetence, The Corruption, and the Cronyism" posts in October. Wackenhut is one of those shadowy outfits raking in the money hand over fist from Bushco for poorly performed "security" services. They're mucking up security at the Statue of Liberty, for example.
Finally, Jabar Gibson, the kid who commandeered the bus in Houston and drove 80 people to the Astrodome from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina (recently busted for drugs) continues to generate a lot of traffic. That's in part because Steve Gilliard posted my post on his site, The News Blog, which generated and still generates a lot of traffic. He's one of those Top 250 bloggers, so there you go.
For example, would you have suspected that if you search 'President Dumbass' on google, I'm the #1 result? On yahoo, if you searched 'john murtha wackenhut', again, #1. On, someone searched '"death toll in gulf coast"', #1.
I get a lot of hits from people searching for info on David Ortiz, or people who must be wondering if he got named American League MVP (as he should have been). Sorry, hate to have to say this again, but the Baseball Writers gave it to the pretty loser, Alex Rodriguez (Slappy McBluelips).
I see Wackenhut a lot on my results. I ended up on the blogroll of the "Eye on Wackenhut" site, a watchdog organization maintained by SEIU, because I included them in one of my "The Incompetence, The Corruption, and the Cronyism" posts in October. Wackenhut is one of those shadowy outfits raking in the money hand over fist from Bushco for poorly performed "security" services. They're mucking up security at the Statue of Liberty, for example.
Finally, Jabar Gibson, the kid who commandeered the bus in Houston and drove 80 people to the Astrodome from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina (recently busted for drugs) continues to generate a lot of traffic. That's in part because Steve Gilliard posted my post on his site, The News Blog, which generated and still generates a lot of traffic. He's one of those Top 250 bloggers, so there you go.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The "Get-Outs" Have It
John Murtha and the American public aren't the only ones who want the US out of Iraq:
Iraqi Leaders Call for Pullout Timetable
Iraqi Leaders Call for Pullout Timetable
CAIRO, Egypt -- Reaching out to the Sunni Arab community, Iraqi leaders called for a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces and said Iraq's opposition had a "legitimate right" of resistance.
The communique _ finalized by Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni leaders Monday _ condemned terrorism but was a clear acknowledgment of the Sunni position that insurgents should not be labeled as terrorists if their operations do not target innocent civilians or institutions designed to provide for the welfare of Iraqi citizens.
The leaders agreed on "calling for the withdrawal of foreign troops according to a timetable, through putting in place an immediate national program to rebuild the armed forces ... control the borders and the security situation" and end terror attacks.
Friday, November 18, 2005
"It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion."
If only Nixon could go to China, only a man like John Murtha could lead the Democratic revolt against the Iraq war.
The Honorable John P. Murtha
War in Iraq
The Honorable John P. Murtha
War in Iraq
Dick Cheney is a Virus on the US Operating System
I've spent the day figuring out why my computer kept knocking me off the internet. The wonderful world of viruses. An hour on the phone with Verizon, then installing & running ad-aware seem to have solved the problem.
And Big Time? He's everywhere. Here are the Dick Cheney highlights of the day, from the ridiculous to the far too real.
The Dick Cheney Random Fact Generator, from Rob the Dirty Liberal (love that name). Hilarious. I've added a few, although not the scatological ones. There are no pictures, but language-wise, this is not work-safe. Here's the first one on the list; as of this posting, there are over 200 random facts for your laughing pleasure.
Great Dick Cheney/1984 pic, from Jesus General: Quotations from the Deputy Leader
AP quotes John Murtha (D-Pa.) letting Cheney have it:
Ex-CIA chief: Cheney 'VP for torture'
And Big Time? He's everywhere. Here are the Dick Cheney highlights of the day, from the ridiculous to the far too real.
The Dick Cheney Random Fact Generator, from Rob the Dirty Liberal (love that name). Hilarious. I've added a few, although not the scatological ones. There are no pictures, but language-wise, this is not work-safe. Here's the first one on the list; as of this posting, there are over 200 random facts for your laughing pleasure.
1. One time, Dick Cheney stabbed a delivery boy just for forgetting his egg rolls.
Great Dick Cheney/1984 pic, from Jesus General: Quotations from the Deputy Leader
AP quotes John Murtha (D-Pa.) letting Cheney have it:
Vice President Dick Cheney jumped into the fray Wednesday by assailing Democrats who contend the Bush administration manipulated intelligence on Iraq, calling their criticism "one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city."
Murtha, a Marine intelligence officer in Vietnam, angrily shot back at Cheney: "I like guys who've never been there that criticize us who've been there. I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done."
Ex-CIA chief: Cheney 'VP for torture'
LONDON, England -- Former CIA director Stansfield Turner has labeled Dick Cheney a "vice president for torture."
In an interview with Britain's ITV news Thursday, Turner said the U.S. vice president was damaging America's reputation by overseeing torture policies of possible terrorist suspects, the UK's Press Association reported.
"I'm embarrassed the United States has a vice president for torture," Turner said, according to ITV's Web site. "He condones torture, what else is he?"
Turner said he did not believe U.S. President George W. Bush's statements that the United States does not use torture.
Turner ran the Central Intelligence Agency from 1977 to 1981 under former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
"We have crossed the line into dangerous territory," PA quoted Turner as saying. "I think it is just reprehensible."
Referring to Cheney, Turner said: "I just don't understand how a man in that position can take such a stance."
Dick Cheney,
George W. Bush,
John Murtha,
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