Showing posts with label Secretary of State. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secretary of State. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Modest Proposal

From John Cole:

A Bailout Plan the GOP Can Support

We need to invade Michigan and rebuild the state from the ground up. We will be greeted as liberators, we have clear supply lines, and we can easily rebuild the auto industry with the kind of money we spend on other countries we invade. Hell, our new Secretary of State, Hillary of Clinton, spent the better part of the past year fighting for the rights of average folks from Michigan, so think of the good will we have with the public. This is very doable. Just tell Congress we will give KBR no-bid contracts to fix Detroit.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hillary for State?

Politico: Hillary Clinton could be named secretary of State and Clinton is among those being strongly considered.
Photo: AP

This would be a great appointment. Hillary would have been wasted as Veep, and she should be in a powerful position. I've been hoping that she would overthrow Harry Reid to lead the Senate, but the State Department might be even more influential. Appointing her Secretary of State might even win back the hardcore PUMAs.

Politico: Hillary Clinton could be Sec. of State