Showing posts with label Todd Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Todd Palin. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sleeping With The Enemy

Sarah Palin accuses Obama of "palling around" with terrorists, but her husband was a member of the secessionist Alaska Independence Party for a decade; she's their candidate; and she addressed their convention just last year. Watch the video for a short but hardhitting expose of AIP.

As Jed asks, if Sarah Palin wasn't a secessionist, why was she palling around with them? (And I ask, sleeping with them?)

So here's the question: when will Sarah Palin ever explain what she was doing palling around with the Alaskan Independence Party secessionists? When will she explain why Todd Palin -- who plays a huge role in her administration -- was a member of the party for so long?

Does she oppose secession now, if so, when did she change her mind?