Tuna sushi is a popular item in New York but may be risky.
Mercury is a neurotoxin. Children should never eat any fish that may contain high levels of mercury as they are most at risk for brain damage.
NYTimes: High Mercury Levels Are Found in Tuna Sushi
Recent laboratory tests found so much mercury in tuna sushi from 20 Manhattan stores and restaurants that at most of them, a regular diet of six pieces a week would exceed the levels considered acceptable by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Sushi from 5 of the 20 places had mercury levels so high that the Food and Drug Administration could take legal action to remove the fish from the market. The sushi was bought by The New York Times in October.
“No one should eat a meal of tuna with mercury levels like those found in the restaurant samples more than about once every three weeks," said Dr. Michael Gochfeld, professor of environmental and occupational medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, N.J.
EPA: Health Effects of Mercury