Showing posts with label Jon Stewart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jon Stewart. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Like My Jim Cramer Fire Roasted on a Spit with a Side of False Penitence

The skewering continues:

"Destroy Enough Dough?":

"Maybe You Could Cut Down On That?":

"But You Are Pretending That You Are a Dew-Eyed Innocent....It's Not a Fucking Game":

The not-so-funny last segment:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stewart Crushes Cramer in Round 3

I'll be watching the Daily Show tonight as Jim "Fuck You!" Cramer is appearing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I *Heart* Jon Stewart

More skewering of Jim Cramer and the rest of the CNBC morons:

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Don't Take Financial Advice From CNBC

Jon Stewart skewers the market "experts" from CNBC:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jon Stewart Whacks John Sununu

NOW they're fiscally responsible, after they drove us into the ditch?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jon Stewart Watches Fox News So You Don't Have To

Fox News is apparently in full panic mode over the election of Barack Obama. Run for your lives, wingnuts!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama on The Daily Show

Interviewed by Jon Stewart:

Will Obama's white half suffer the Bradley Effect?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jon Stewart on Palin Wardrobe: "Project Beltway"

I loved this because he called the Palins "The Grifters" (I called them that two days ago!) and described the grifter technique thusly (my rough transcript):

My God! They're a family of grifters! I know how they're doing it. The hot one finds an elderly victim...yeah...all right...or a mark, if you will. And then she seduces him with her unfancy talk and once he pulls out the checkbook, BOOM, here come the relatives. The old fart never had a chance. Seriously, they're grifters.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hope You Didn't Miss Last Night's Daily Show

I couldn't stop laughing.

Jon Stewart on "pro-America" parts of the country:

The Daily Show goes to Wasilla, Alaska. Hilarious!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jon Stewart Mocks Fox

Poor, pitiful Fox Noise. Their permanent Republican majority is evaporating along with their investments. Republicans can't talk about the economy because they own it, they caused it, they screwed all of us. So instead of covering the economy, they're covering anything else. Suck a lemon, Roger Ailes.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bush v. Bush, McCain v. McCain

If you're not watching the Daily Show, you're not getting any analysis deeper than a puddle on current events.

Jon Stewart brilliantly puts Bush's pre-Iraq-war speech side-by-side with his bailout (which he calls "Clusterf#@k to the Poor House") speech:

And then McCain's wild shifting of positions on the economy in the past 10 days, and then his "rush" to return to Washington:

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Why Jon Stewart is the Most Trusted Name In News

You didn't see this on your local news last night, but you should have. Jon Stewart on Sarah Palin and the bogus gender card:

I saw this at one of my favorite blogs, Boltgirl on the Loose.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Douchebag of Liberty* Hits 86 Year Old Homeless Man In Crosswalk, Drives Away

Wednesday rightwing columnist Robert Novak -- the man who outed spy Valerie Plame -- hit a pedestrian with his car. According to eyewitness reports, the man was walking in a crosswalk. He landed on the windshield of Novak's car and rolled off, and 77-year-old Novak drove on. A bicyclist -- who happens to be a lawyer who formerly worked in the Justice Department -- chased Novak down and blocked his car so that he was forced to stop.

The lawyer who stopped Novak said the man he hit went up on the hood and was splayed on the windshield; there was no way Novak didn't realize he hit someone. The man, it turns out, was an 86-year-old homeless man. The impact of the collision dislocated his shoulder.

DC police detained Novak for about an hour and shockingly only gave him a $50 ticket for failure to yield. Not hit & run? Leaving the scene? Why didn't they pull his license immediately? Why wasn't he given a breathalyzer and a drug test? Why didn't they confiscate his cell phone to find out if he was on the phone (or his Blackberry) when the collision occurred? The man had just hit another human being and drove away. Either he was callous and should have been arrested, or he was so inattentive behind the wheel of his car that he hit someone and didn't know it. In that case his license should have been seized. There's no way a person hits your car and you don't know. I've hit birds and felt the impact.

* Douchebag of Liberty is what Jon Stewart dubbed Novak after he outed Valerie Plame.

WaPo: Novak Cited for Hitting Pedestrian

WaPo: Man Hit by Novak Has Hurt Shoulder but Is 'Doing Fine'

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jon Stewart Skewers "BitterGate"

Yes, I am not in the mood to write today.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hillary on Jon Stewart

Hillary Clinton on the Daily Show last night (parts 1 & 2)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

On The Media

Our prostrate corporate media

A round-up of news about the corporate media and a few glimmerings of change:

Digby at Hullabaloo reminds us of what happened to Ashley Banfield of MBNBC when she criticized the media's coverage of the Iraq war.

Greg Palast in the LATimes on how the corporate media in the US no longer do investigative reporting.

Bill Moyers's new show on PBS aired Friday night; it featured Jon Stewart of the Daily Show and Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo. Watch it here.

Frank Rich gets off Imus's couch (because Imus doesn't have a couch any more, ha ha) and attacks David Broder of the WaPo for going along with Bush and the neocons. (All The President's Press, TimesSelect Wall; also here and here). (I have to take any whoo, isn't Frank Rich great feelings with a grain of salt, as Frank Rich was a frequent guest of Imus, so all that racist and sexist crap didn't bother him so much, and also, he was one of the people who pilloried Al Gore for being boring, and helped give us Chimpy McFlightsuit who is a DISASTER. So I don't have the love for Frank Rich. Wary, yet.)

On a happier note, Charlie Savage of the Boston Globe, who wrote the story about Bush's use of signing statements, won the Pulitzer Prize. Go Charlie go.