Showing posts with label Republican Convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Convention. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain Recycling

Yesterday McCain recycled his speech in favor of electing George W. Bush at the 2004 Republican Convention. Very green of him. As a matter of fact, he's recycling Bush, as he selected George W. Bush in lipstick as his running mate .

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Damn Straight

The all-white Republican convention laughing heartily at Sarah Pain calling Barack Obama a "community organizer" derisively surely were using it as a stand-in for n**ger. I had no doubt while I was watching it. For whose community was Obama serving? The Southside of Chicago. New York Governor David Paterson said it yesterday. About time.

NYTimes: Code Words Hint of Race in Campaign, Paterson Says

Gov. David A. Paterson said on Tuesday that he detected “overtones of potential racial coding” in the presidential campaign, drawing a sharp retort from the campaign of Senator John McCain, the Republican candidate.


... “I think the Republican Party is too smart to call Barack Obama black in a sense that would be a negative. But you can take something about his life, which I noticed they did at the Republican convention — a ‘community organizer.’ They kept saying it, they kept laughing, like, ‘What does this mean?’


A McCain spokesman, Peter Feldman, said in a statement that criticisms of Mr. Obama’s early work as a community organizer by Mr. McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, were well within the bounds of respectable political debate.

“Governor Palin’s remark about Barack Obama’s work as a community organizer was in response to the Obama campaign’s belittling of her executive experience,” Mr. Feldman said. “There is certainly a place for community activism, as demonstrated by Sarah Palin’s own record of civic involvement. But Barack Obama’s role as a community organizer pales in comparison to Governor Palin’s demonstrated experience.”

Mr. Paterson on Tuesday seemed to bristle at such attacks. Defining what a community organizer was, Mr. Paterson said: “It means that an individual who could have gone to Wall Street and made a lot of money — and then run for office because he can buy media time — chose to go back and work in programs in neighborhoods where he thought he can make a difference and became an elected official based on his involvement right in his own community.”

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Republican Convention Condensed

Down to 1 minute 38 seconds:

If they put in all the "John McCain was a POW" stories, it would be 10 minutes longer.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Real John McCain

Jon Stewart re-writes the Republican Convention's misleading bio of McCain:

Friday, September 05, 2008


Joe Biden lays into the Republican ticket:

This Poisonous Mushroom Was Cultivated

Nina Burleigh, HuffPo: Who is the Handler?

...Sarah Palin's entry into politics and subsequent rise has all the hallmarks of having been engineered, coached and groomed by bigger outside forces with a bigger plan.

Her first election to mayor in 1996 was based on "wedge Issues" - abortion, gun control, and proof of hard-core religiosity - issues that had never been discussed before in the town of 7,000, where politicians had run on where they stood on bingo revenue and fixing muddy roads.


There was a time when America's small town governments were about local civics and its churches really were mainly about spirituality. That quaint era vanished, within living memory, with the rise of the "Christian right" which literally infected mainstream American Christianity with hateful brochures about gays, guns, and abortion.

The movement didn't emerge from within those little country churches, either. It was brought to them by a sophisticated set of well-funded groups and foundations, many with ties to the Republican Party and its copious moneybags. These organizations are based a long ways from Wasilla, in places like Washington, D.C., Arlington, Norfolk -- the state of Virginia, in fact, seems to have spawned or hosted most of them.

But they have a long reach and they are run by cautious, clever, watchful men.
I learned never to underestimate these right wing Svengalis involvement in small things....

Palin's Lies Debunked

The Speech to Nowhere, filled with lies, debunked by the Obama campaign.

Green Screen Mystery Solved

Why was John McCain speaking in front of yet another green screen last night?

Talking Points Memo
thinks they have the answer. That was Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, California.

Some Republican flack is probably catching hell today for putting that photo up instead of a photo of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Maybe they had the computer illerate McCain himself search for the image?

Now that's change you can believe in, my friends.

Music to My Ears

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin sez John McCain's speech was "shockingly bad":

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Republicans Obscenely Show 9/11 Victims Dying as Their Convention Backdrop


The Republican Party has reached its basest nadir. The party of George W. Bush, the man who ignored the CIA's warning "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US", the party that let 3,000 people die on 9/11/01 and then used 9/11 to destroy the constitution, that party has reached a yet another low.

That party has now shown footage of the 9/11 attacks including graphic footage of the Twin Towers burning and collapsing.

During the family hour here on the east coast, 8:40 EST.

They are nothing but a bunch of sickos.

Boston Globe:

[A]t approximately 7:40 CST, when a video aired before delegates at the Republican National Convention included slow-motion footage of a plane striking the World Trade Center, the towers' subsequent collapse, and smoke emerging from the Pentagon.

Here's Keith Olbermann's commentary:

If you have the stomach for it, here's the obscene video the Republicans blew up on the big screen for everyone to see. How must the 9/11 families be reacting to this obscenity?

The Republican Party is a national disgrace. First they kill us; then they put us up on the big screen for entertainment.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

No One Knows Who Palin Is

Jo Ann Davidson, the National Co-Chair of the Republican Convention just called her "Sarah Pawlenty".

I'm kind of enjoying this.

Update: I'm not the only one who noticed; it's already on YouTube.

Old School

Apparently a daguerreotype is being taken at the Republican Convention, as the Great Orange Satan (John Boehner) has ordered everyone to stand still for two minutes while a picture is taken.

You can't make this stuff up.