Showing posts with label Lou Dobbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lou Dobbs. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2008

That's Right

I have the TV on in the background (no Red Sox game tonight) and I hear "Lou Dobbs, sponsored by Loon Esta".

It's actually called Lunesta, but Loon is more appropriate for Hate-the-brown-people Loon Dobbs.

MSNBC has been taken off my cable system, and I won't get it back until I upgrade to digital cable. I am forced to watch CNN for news.

Most of the anchors on CNN are not very smart. Oh, let's just say it: Most of them are stupid. Stupendously stupid. Unredeemedly stupid. A mile wide and an inch deep stupid.

The good thing is, I'm watching less TV news, because I can't stand the stupid.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Random Links

dailykos: Alaska Women Reject Palin rally

Try not to panic, Democrats. Election Perspective.

There are 52 days until the election. Here are some things you can do to help Obama win.

Sarah Palin, 1/2 of the Liar/Liar '08 ticket, dropped her "thanks but not thanks to the Bridge to Nowhere" line while she was in Alaska where they know it's a lie, but it's back in her stump speech now that she has returned to the lower 48. Lies you can believe in, McCain/Pain '08.

David Ignatius in the WaPo says McCain has sold his soul to the devil by picking Palin.

Lou Dobbs spoke at the so-called "Values Voters Summit" and bought a package of racist-labeled "Obama Waffles". Lou loves to hate the brown people.

Monday, March 31, 2008

On the Subject of Racists on TV

Talking Points Memo: Oops

Racial healer Lou Dobbs explains how he's sick of "cotton pickin'" black leaders tell him how he can and can't talk about race (he catches himself at the last minute -- sorta) ...

Those cotton-picking racists are enough to drive a rich white man crazy, aren't they.