Showing posts with label Hank Paulson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hank Paulson. Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2008

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy: November 10, 2008

DailyMail: Megaleledone setebos: A relative of octopuses

The Bush Administration secretly issued an order in 2004 that allows our government to attack Al Qaeda in many countries. I want to know why they released this secret now. Getting ready for pardon week, perhaps?

In another secret move in late September, while Congress and the country agonized over the bailout bill, Hank Paulson's Treasury Department and the Bush Administration secretly changed a 22-year-old bank regulation to give banks a $140 billion dollar tax break. Bush is going to break the bank before he leaves office, just to leave Obama in as big a hole as humanly possible. Pigs at the trough.

The Bushies are also planning to throw more billions to AIG. Who's palling around with socialists now? Jerome a Paris at dailykos asks, can Obama stop the looting? Before it's too late?

In more bad economic news, Circuit City filed for bankruptcy (can't believe that their genius plan of firing the experienced salespeople and hiring no-knowledge newbies didn't work!) and DHL is laying off thousands.

Obama meets President Clusterfuck in the White House today. Here's Obama's account of his first meeting with Shrub. What a weirdo.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Love Lists

10 Zen Monkeys: 25 Harshest Reactions To the Wall Street Bailout

It's a clean list. No "what are these cocksuckers doing with my fucking money" here. (That will get this blog banned in a few more airports!)

The Best News Show on Television

Is on Comedy Central. Jon Stewart on the bailout:

This "Crisis" Is Very Suspicious

Open Left - There Is No Crisis -- Summary

I'm calling my Senators and Congressman this morning to tell them they cannot vote yes on any plan unless John McCain does. Don't get p*wned.

Rep. Marcy Kaptur: "Let's Play Wall Street Bailout!"

Awesome anti-bailout rant on the floor of the House today by Marcy Kaptur, Democrat of Ohio:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Did The Light Bulb Go On?

ABC is reporting that Democrats won't vote for the bank bailout plan unless McCain votes for it.

Stephanopoulos: McCain Holds Key to Administration's Bailout Passage on Capitol Hill

A Democratic leadership source says that White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten has been told that Democratic votes will not be there if McCain votes no -- that there is no deal if McCain doesn't go along.

McCain would be just the guy to lead the Dems on, then leave them twisting in the wind. They should hold his feet to the fire. (Enough cliches for ya there?)


Emergency! Emergency! Everybody to get from street!

The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming (1966)

The Bush Administration admits that the Treasury Department's "plan" to bailout the banking industry isn't sudden. They've been working on it for months.

firedoglake: Bush Mouthpiece Admits: They’ve Been Sitting on this Plan

What else are they lying about?

John McCain: The Fundamental DeRegulator

This week -- and only this week -- John McCain has suddenly converted to the religion of regulation. Don't believe a word of it. He is a lifelong deregulator. Let the free market decide! Let the free market lose the people's money! Jed Lewison put together a video of John McCain's many statements of his true position. He has always supported deregulation:

Some Worst Case Scenarios

A lot of doom and gloom on the liberal blogs today. Unfortunately, I think they're right.

thereisnospoon, dailykos: DON'T TAKE THE BAIT: How to Lose an Election in 10 Easy Steps - The Republicans are setting up the Democrats to take the fall.

Billmon (he's back!), dailykos: Things Become More Serious
- The Great Depression looked like this.

Jim Kuntsler, Clusterfuck Nation: Falling Into Fall
- We are now a much poorer nation, and that will have many bad consequences.

Doug Feith Has Competition

Doug Feith may become known as formerly the "stupidest fucking guy on the planet". Norm Coleman (R-MN) is stepping up to claim the title. Here's what Norm Coleman (R-Delusion) said about the bailout:

U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman said the massive government bailout of failing financial institutions is not only necessary but could make money for the federal government.

“The government could make 10 or 20 times what it pays on this, possibly,” Coleman said during a campaign stop at Christy’s Cafe in North Mankato Saturday morning.

hat tip to John Cole's Balloon Juice, who said of this inanity:

And if I eat nothing but red meat, cheese, and milkshakes and smoke unfilter pall malls, I could live 10 or 20 years longer than most people, possibly. I hope the Republicans run with that - “This isn’t a bailout, it is a once in a lifetime investment opportunity! And, you get a chance at winning a toaster.”

There is a reason this incumbent Senator is losing to going to lose to... a comedian.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Make Your Pitch

Can you get in on the bailout? I have it on good authority that Hank Paulson will be giving grants without any bothersome verification of the losses you claim. Here's where you file your paperwork:

Rep. Jim McDermott: "King Henry"

Mr Speaker,

The people in Washington State are very troubled by the fact that King George has been disposed of by King Henry.

We picked up Newsweek magazine today and we have a new King... King Henry?

We're supposed to give him 700 billion dollars of our money. He doesn't want any review. He wants to be able to do whatever he wants with it. He doesn't want any Congressional oversight. And worst of all, the new king is just like the old king: He doesn't want any sacrifice.

He says, "Oh we can't threaten the salares of the investment bankers who drove us into a ditch. We can't get anyone to pay for this."

This is the third time we've done it with this bunch. First the war, that didn't get paid for. Then the tax cuts, that didn't get paid for, and now King Henry takes over to distribute 700 billion dollars. He's going to be there for four months. And in four months he will make deals and then he'll go out and he'll be able to catch a pass he threw to himself.

You may remember Rep. McDermott from Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11.

Obermann: McCain v. McCain

With Paul Krugman for analysis of the bailout crisis and McCain's panicked position(s).

The Evidence Hank Paulson Gave Congress

Marginal Revolution: We Won't Get Fooled Again

Rememnber Colin Powell's presentation to the UN before the Iraq war?

A thinking person must doubt whenever the Bush Administration says "We must act immediately to prevent......" Too many lies.