Iran caught again with nuke bomb making equipment

Washington Post:

"U.N. inspectors investigating Iran's nuclear program have uncovered sophisticated uranium enrichment equipment, renewing doubts about the Iranian government's pledge that its intentions are peaceful and transparent, diplomatic officials said yesterday.

"The discovery of several completed gas centrifuges, coupled with last week's find of blueprints for a previously unknown Iranian enrichment project, will be part of a critical International Atomic Energy Agency report expected to detail Iran's recent nuclear shortcomings, according to diplomats and government experts."

You know these guys are rooting for the Democrats this year. Lets see, they are the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world. They are attempting to build a nuclear bomb. They have had their independent contractors murder 100's of Americans, they openly fantasise about destroying Israel with one of their nukes. The people of Iran loathe their leaders and love the US.

The Dems look at this situation and say we should maintain the status quo and we should not insult them by saying how evil they are. How nuanced. How cynical. Why is it not clear to the Dems how the whole world would be better off with regime change in this country? The legacy of Jimmy Carter still runs deep with these Dems. He did not back a friendly regime and did nothing while one that hates us and compares us to Satan is installed. He did little in the face of humiliation from this groups of thugs who used students to take US embassy personel prisioner. His only overt response was the type of disaster Dems have when they try to use force with "measured response." The "Desert One" disaster of a failed rescue attempt is typical of Democrats inadequacies in the use of force.

John Kerry is Mr. Nuanced. He opposes gay marriage and any legislation that would prevent it. It can be assumed that he favors regime change in Iran but opposes doing anything to bring it about, however he is probably willing to puff and posture and act condesending. The latter was his nuanced postion on Iraq.


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