Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I made TOP THREE at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

Well my list of things I am thankful for just keeps getting longer.  I found out this AM that I was selected as one of the "top three" and now I have a blinkie from Simon Says Stamp and Show!  No, I am not excited at all!  My entry for "Anything that makes you Happy" was created using alcohol inks and Scrolls Work Stamps, both of which make me happy!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here and sometimes life throws you some punches you aren't expecting and are very difficult to handle.  I find myself trying to be more thankful for what I have, compared to what I don't.  All of you in many ways have added to my life and I am very thankful for the friendships that have developed. 

I am thankful for this honor and for all of you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

“Creative Writer” Blogger Award

I am one of the luckiest bloggers there could be! Not only did one fellow blogger present me with such a prestigious award, but two!

Here are the rules:

1) Express gratitude to the blogger who bestowed the award unto you!
Thank you Shar and Lynn! I am honored that you think so highly of my talents.

2) Display the picture on your blog proudly.

3) Be nice and provide a link to the person who gave it to you.
4) Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth, or switch it around and tell six outrageous truths and one outrageous lie.
5) Nominate seven creative writers who might be into doing this. Pass it on to Bloggers who make you smile, laugh, emote in some way or another and,
6) Post links to the seven blogs you nominate and let the owners of those blogs know:
My seven truths or lies!

1) I certainly was not a fan of Lost. The show had absolutely no redeeming qualities and that Sawyer dude (Josh) did not float my boat! As a matter of fact, just looking at him made me realize what a hunk I am married to. Can you imagine his poor wife having to look at that face every day!
2) When it comes to fashion, I’m all over it baby! It is my belief that a woman should always look like a million bucks, even if she does not have a dollar to her name. There is no excuse for not having matching shoes and handbags for every outfit! And of course nails must always be well groomed and hair without a trace of gray!
3) It was my opinion that rubber stamping and playing with ink was like Kindergartner Art. Grown woman would not do such ridiculous stuff. I dreaded my first invite to a friend’s house for a workshop. Told my husband that it was such a waste of my Sunday!
4) Who are those people that throw away good money in the Stock Market? This is certainly not something I would ever do. I am not the type of person to take risks with money, because it does not grow on trees!
5) There are lies out there about my love of dogs! Just because I go by Terry2Dogs and have pictures of dogs on my blog, is kind of a stretch! Someone hacked into my blog account and changed my name and added the pictures! If I knew more about blogging, I would change my blog name to something like, Ill Tempered Ink or Trash to Treasures!
6) I do not have a sense of humor and am very easily offended. Never do I make wise cracks or come back abruptly with a response!
7) OMG – my craft room is always so tidy! I certainly should be given an award for organization, because I never have to go on the hunt to find an item. Everything in its place is my motto!

I sure hope all of you will be ok with me passing on this award to you! In one way or another, you all have touched my life or I thought you should be in the same boat with me!

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