Showing posts with label True Colours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Colours. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Meeting a Blogger Friend!

We all make connections in the crafty blogging world and once in awhile we actually get to meet a fellow blogger!  Last Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with Brenda, "Bumblebees and Butterflies" and what a great time it was!  We talked about this over a year ago and have been literally doing a count down since January!   I will try to keep this as brief as possible, but it was quite the day and I have got to show you the lovely gifts that I received from Brenda and Lucy!  I was almost brought to tears with the unbelievable beauty and generosity, which was so unexpected. 
Ken, Brenda, Me, Steve
We decided we would meet for lunch at BJ's to start our day and we even had a fabulous server, which adds to the nice experience.  At first it was nice to sit outside on the patio, but it became quite hot, so we moved inside!  Brenda had her first Margarita and for those who might believe I would corrupt this sweetheart (Lucy and Marjie), she left us the same lovely lady!  There was never an awkward or silent moment among the four of us.  Yes, we brought the husbands along and they were as chatty as we were!!  It really was a great time!
Our First stop after BJ's, was to visit a Michael's as Brenda had heard so much of this craft store! 
Next stop was Scrapbooking Made Simple, where I knew there was a sale going on and since it is a pretty large store, I was hoping there would be time for Brenda to have a look!  Well we did a little damage there as well! 

Now I need to share with you all the lovely gifts that were given to me!  I was actually embarrassed as to the immense amount of treasures that my sweet friends gave to me!  Oh, but I do love them and can't thank Brenda and Lucy enough!  Here we go!
We sit down and start to talk a little at the restaurant and Brenda hands me a bag with tissue wrapped items.  First she hands me something from Lucy, "True Colours."  Now I was floored and not from the Margarita! 
Oh So Lovely!

Inside Pretties!

Sweet Inside and Out!
I have long loved Lucy's alterations of hand bags and shoes, but never expected I would be the most lucky recipient of one!  Is this not gorgeous and notice the "Friendship" and that is what we share!  There were even some lovely trims tucked inside and a very sweet card!  Thank you so much, Lucy!  I will always treasure your kindness and I just love my little purse!  Someday soon, we also shall meet!  Lucy is the one who got me all worked up over shrink plastic, clay moulds and using seed beads!  I even signed up for her online class to learn about making moulds and it was so worth it! 

Speaking of generosity, look at what Brenda presented me with!  Like I said, I was overwhelmed!  Each piece is more gorgeous in real life, than I can capture in a picture and especially with my camera.  I won't go into describing each piece as I know Brenda will take care of that, but just feast your eyes on these works of art!  Thank you so much Brenda, for the most lovely gifts and mostly for the friendship that I will always cherish!
Love this Tag!

How Fun Is This?
Photo Journal

Beautiful Altered Box!

Inside the box!

Treasures inside!

I know this was a long post with many pictures, but I wanted you all to share in a special day I shared with Brenda and Lucy!  I feel so blessed to be a part of this blogging world and for all the friendships that have developed.  Each and everyone of you are special to me and I appreciate the time you take to visit and comment!  Thank you!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lucy's Online Mould Class!

Since I came across Lucy's True Colours blog, I have been an admirer of her unique work and art creations!  Not at all that there aren't a ton of fabby blogs and artists, but Lucy just does some incredible projects that really capture my interest!  Every once in awhile, after drooling over a new project, I would mention to her about teaching a class.  I believe I was not alone and so now Lucy is offering very reasonable priced online classes.  If interested really check it out, but first stroll through her blog and you will know why I wanted classes!!   Nest there will be a class using tissue paper techniques!  So fun!!!
The Moulded Subjects
The Clay Moulded Pieces
The Finished Pieces
Products Used to Color
The first in the series is mould making and I will admit that I was afraid to start!  Why, I don't know!  Now please keep in mind that the pictures are not the best quality, because there is quite a bit of reflective materials used and this is my very first attempt at making moulds, playing with clay and coloring.  The colors IRL are darker and do look nicer.  I really had a blast and can't wait until I actually perfect a skill at this fun craft!  All but the second cameo (copper/green) were colored prior to baking.  These were just done for fun and practice, so not sure how I will use them.  I also bought some moulds, but how interesting to look at object you like and then make a mould of them!!  Thank you Lucy for such a fun and informative class!

Speaking of classes, Cindy of Whimsical Musings, is offering a free online seminar for us bloggers, "Blogging 101."  Cindy is always generous with her time and shares all of our talents with so many other lovely bloggers!  Now she is sharing some tips and ideas for blogging, so stop by Cindy's!

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