Showing posts with label Creative Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative Spirit. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Creative Spirit, CCC 27, Simon Says Stamp and Show

I can hardly believe we are on week 27 of the CCC's at Studio L3!  Linda has us opening our books to page 60 to distress mist our masks, along with Simon Says Stamp and Show "Some Masking" and we are also going to take this couple to visit Cindy and her "Creative Spirit Challenge," but do you want to know what happened?  Without giving away to much detail, we had to use reinkers and mine was new and unopened.  I went to remove the plastic safety seal with a pair of scissors and I could not believe my eyes!  The entire seal and bottle dropper cap came flying off and landed all over my boring tan carpet!  I was in shock and ran for the paper towels to blot up the bright reddish color.  Well I think it will be ok.  I have a little green machine and worked on it.  Back to business, I cut out three hearts from a Sizzix die of various sizes for masks along with a mask of John and Joan from Scrolls Work Stamps.  I think they are a gorgeous couple for Valentine's Day and the little hearts and sentiment are also stamps from Scrolls Work.  We first started with the larger heart and worked down to the smaller and always kept the happy couple covered with a mask.  We then added some little pearls in both black and cream and cut a larger tag shape to back the main show.  This was quite fun, well with the exception of the mishap! 

Hope you all are having a wonderful week and doing something fun and creative.  So you know, the Creative Spirit is open for any crafter and anything goes as long as it was made by your lovely hands!  Thank you so much for the visit!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cindy Adkins' Creative Spirit November

This is always a fun and interesting challenge and Cindy is just as sweet as can be!  I love that you can go and visit the blogs of other talented crafters and see such an incredible forms of art! 

For this month, I decided to link something that I have painted in the past.  Since we are still looking at Thanksgiving, I believe my cat pumpkin is not out of season.  I also has a little Chipmunk candy jar lid to share.

Check out the blood-shot eyes!!
Hope you enjoy and I look forward to visiting your blogs!  Thanks Cindy for another fun month!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cindy Adkins' Creative Spirit October

This month I decided to share something I created over 14 years ago with Cindy's Creative Spirit. There was a time when I was an avid sewer/seamstress. These vests are some of the last items that I created. The designs are my own and some of the fabrics have been manipulated to create layers. I suppose you could say altered! I never really wore these, because it is more wearable art and maybe a little too bold! Don't ask why I stopped sewing, because I don't know. Not even sure if I could come close to doing this again! I have made my DH's dress shirts, fashion jeans, evening a gown, a queen size quilt and most of my clothes at one time.

Now the quilt I still have, but it is just a glad rag now. One of my rescued Dalmatians decided one time when I left her home, to use it as a chew toy. Upon opening the door and seeing cotton batting covering my floor like snow, I kind of figured out what happened. Do you wonder if I beat her or gave her back, absolutely not. Dogs that you rescue have been for the most part abused, neglected or totally misunderstood and need extra positive attention. It is not their fault that someone did not speak dog!! To this day, I will always rescue a dog and take my chances on what little surprises they may have in store for me. There is nothing as awesome as bringing home a rescued baby and watching it grow to be a happy camper! I could go on about things my dogs have done, but that is not why you are here. However I think it takes a pretty creative spirit to figure out ways to dog proof your house and belongings! I am just thankful that bad behavior was not potty accidents, but I would have figured out a course of action for that one!!

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and doing something with the people and or animals that are a big part of your life. Cindy was so wonderful to have me as a featured artist on her blog, "I Owe It ALL To Him" and there is some really great inspiration there, so take a look around! I also have a post about being a new Design Team member at Scrolls Work Stamps and a blog candy offer if you would like to enter. Just leave a comment on the October 1st post. Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment.

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