Democrats and their media allies try to bury vote fraud stories

J.B. Shurk:
Except the Heritage Foundation keeps a non-exhaustive sampling from across the United States that now includes over 1,200 proven instances of voter fraud from recent elections.  If 1,200 is just a sampling of those caught, how many do we think are actually getting away with it?  Ten times that number?  A hundred times?  For each real case of voter fraud, whether caught or not, how many votes end up being canceled out by that offender?  A few?  Ten?  A hundred?  A thousand?  Even repeatedly assuming low estimates of vote cancelation for each incident of fraud quickly takes us into the territory of over a hundred thousand fraudulently cast votes across a nation as large as ours.  Adjusting our assumptions only slightly results in at least a few million fraudulent votes during a presidential election.  And we haven't even gotten into the territory of how many non-citizen, non-breathing, or otherwise disqualified voters are casting individually illegal votes in elections across the U.S.
With so much actual election tampering going on, is it any wonder why so many Americans believe there is nothing remotely "democratic" about the Democratic Party?  They didn't become known as "Demon Rats" for their judicious restraint and good-faith electioneering, after all.  The Philadelphia district attorney caught one rat with one piece of cheese, but there is no shortage of either in any precinct in any state.  And right now, Democrats are stampeding toward the use of "cheat-by-mail" in the 2020 election, no doubt certain that they own enough time stamps at the post office to exceed whatever vote margins are required to squash President Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and beyond.  By November 10, seven days after the election, Democrats have a plan to claim victory.  
In a test run of their planned robbery, missing South Carolina mail-in ballots printed in Minnesota somehow ended up in Baltimore, Maryland this week.  Cory Booker likes this interstate voting sleight of hand so much that he's insisting that a new federal "Democracy Corps" control "voting security" and assist with "voter education" across the country.  No need for an Electoral College when states can simply mail each other spare votes on the side, while Cory Booker vouches for their authenticity.  That's the real goal with the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact: creating a network of states that can vouch for each other's fraud.  It's like political intersectionality for land masses with state borders.    
There is more
Shurk has an innovative idea for how to take away the power of vote stuffing Democrats.  It is worth reading the whole thing to get his plan.


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