Media sowed hate for Trump first

Washington Post:

Trump has sown hatred of the press. Now journalists are under assault from police, protesters.

From early in the 2016, the media openly decided that it should not be fair with Donald Trump.  Both the NY Times and Washington Post said so on their first page.  Trump is many things, but he has always been a counter puncher and it appears that the media has become punch drunk.  The performance of the White House reporters has turned into little more than "gotcha" questions and whining.

The editorials of the Post and the Times are consistently attacking President Trump along with reporters.  I don't watch CNN, but the highlights I have seen show they treated Trump consistently unfairly.  They were all in on the Russian collusion hoax and the Ukraine nothing burger of an impeachment.

As for the attacks on CNN's headquarters I do not think they were inspired by Trump.  I think some Antifa types thought it would be a good way to publicize their tantrums.  It was a tactical move by a leftist hate group.


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