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Showing posts with label Fright Night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fright Night. Show all posts

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween: 31 October 2014 The Star

Have you read 31 October 2014 The Star newspaper related to Halloween? If not you can read it online.

You can spot my son on three pages too! 

I didn't know that my son's photo featured three pages of The Star.

Oh look up, whose that devil?! 

Thanks to Miera for tagging me on Facebook to inform me of this. Flip next page and you'll find her daughter photo on the next page, Miera her sharing savvy about safety children today. 

Last year my son took part in Halloween contest and he won the 3rd prize in Halloween Contest. 
For your info, I redo his makeup for the purpose of photo session The Star's interviewed by Lee Mei Li. It's fun and nice to know my son is not afraid of being the devil in Halloween. 

This year the same day as on 31 October 2014, my 3 year old is one of the finalist in the Halloween contest. He's won consolation prize, as I need to accompany him to the stage. I decided to accomany him by having dracula makeup myself.

Above picture bottom mother and son picture of us. The pirate girl next to my son is the Grand Prize winner of the Halloween contest at IDCC Mall. The pirate girl is 6 yrs old, she looks scary right?

I used the makeup that I have to put on my son and myself. 

GET.SET.GLOW! with guardian Malaysia this September 2024 Month-long campaign to get Malaysians to embrace a culture of nurturing of wellbeing & self-care

This wellbeing festival is a free public event that is scheduled from the 10th to the 16th of September 2024 at 1Utama Shopping Centre Petal...