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Showing posts with label Melacca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melacca. Show all posts

Monday, June 2, 2014

Last Saturday to Melaka by bus

 Wow it was a fun day last Saturday, yeah a day out with lovely Nuffnang bloggers. I will post up more pics soon.
Some pictures I took to share with you here.

I so in love with this cutie Pink Hello Kitty trishaw! They even have music at the back to listen. 

Hehe.. we didn't ride on these, we just passing by so I snap a pic of it. :D

There was a man nearby the river bank, he's holding a python. If you want to take picture with the python it would cost RM10. 

We got to chance to watch the Dragon boats racing while waiting to go to Mamee Jonker House.

It's exciting to watch, which dragon boats going to win but we not able to stay back to watch it. 

Do you like it? 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Invited to go Mamee Factory, Melacca

Are you among the 60 bloggers invited to go Mamee Factory, Melacca?

Yes, I received my invitation and received a call from them yesterday evening. I'm going, how about you?

The departure will be from Mamee Subang Jaya.

Mamee has been one of my favorite snacks since childhood.

Who can't recognize the blue monster of the Mamee?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Plan vacation to Melacca

I want to have a family vacation to Melacca anyone has good suggestion on where to stay? We want to stay near the Jonker street where we can find food such as chicken ball rice, satay celup and more. I have been waiting to go for vacation for a long time.

We are looking for a family room with two king size bed and bath tub so I can easily bath my nine month old baby. I will search for the hotel online but it will take time to find as I have limited time.

I need to fetch my boy soon he's having tuition at the moment, he has got many home works which I need to guide him to do.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Simple Chinese New Year Tanglung

I made this simple Chinese New Year Tanglung during Chinese New Year. It is very simple and I did tried to follow the youtube for other type of tanglung but I find it complicated. It is not easy as you see, they have different size of red packet (ang pao).

During Chinese New Year, I head to Melacca and my dear and I had gone to eat the durian chendol at Tan Kim Hock. I like to eat the durian dodol from Tan Kim Hock so delicious. I haven't been to Jonker street at Melacca.

I am still looking for suitable budget hotel or apartment to stay for family of four. I need family bedroom to accommodate us. I also need to find parking lot which near the hotel or apartment. I am sure you know it is hectic to find parking sometimes.

If you have any good suggestion on where to stay at Melacca please leave a comment. :D

GET.SET.GLOW! with guardian Malaysia this September 2024 Month-long campaign to get Malaysians to embrace a culture of nurturing of wellbeing & self-care

This wellbeing festival is a free public event that is scheduled from the 10th to the 16th of September 2024 at 1Utama Shopping Centre Petal...