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Showing posts with label toddler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toddler. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2018

3 Ways to Socialize a Child Outside of the Home

For many families, a toddler's social skills develop naturally through attending daycare and through socializing with siblings. However, this is not the case for every family. In single-child homes where a parent is responsible for their care at all times, children need a different way to build social skills. This can be a challenge for stay-at-home mothers and fathers, especially if they don't have friends with children of a similar age.

Attending Mommy & Me Events

Mommy & me events are very popular among stay at home mothers. These events range from dance and Yoga classes to fun trips and workshops. While the focus is on involving children in positive, healthy activities with their parents, it also gives toddlers a chance to communicate with other children their age. There are also a wide variety of programs for stay at home fathers, too!

Enrolling in Preschool

Enrolling toddlers in preschool is a great way to prepare them for Kindergarten. Children must learn how to socialize and conduct themselves properly among other students before attending school so that they can focus on learning. A Redmond preschool will help to achieve positive behavioral interactions among toddlers, ensuring that each child learns how to have fun, make friends, and learn exciting new things.

Regular Trips to the Park

The local park is a wonderful place for parents and toddlers to make new friends. As the children meet one another and play, parents can begin to identify their toddlers' strongest relationships. The friends' parents can then be met, opening the opportunity for other play dates in the future. The park is a healthy place to get daily exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and soak up the sunshine, as well!
As children approach schooling age, it becomes vital that they learn how to correctly interact with their peers. Even when children don't have siblings or attend daycare, there are still many ways to offer socialization to them in a safe, healthy, and fun way.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

When can toddler starts eating egg?

My toddler starting to like eat boiled eggs, yeah beside half boiled eggs, he will now peel his own boiled egg to eat. 

The fun part for him is cracking the egg, first we were scare to let him to handle the egg. We need to be there to watch him eat, ask him to chew every time he bites the egg. 

This Friday, my toddler is turning 3 years old. 

We always watched him eat and sometimes he's playing with his food. He dislike eating the egg yolk, he will remove it. 

I remembered his bro during childhood, he's was 3 years old back then during his birthday. He would be cracking up all the red eggs to find dinosaur inside. He would be crying to find there's no dinosaur toy in the egg. 

You know there was time some places selling dinosaur eggs, which contain a dinosaur toy inside. It's not the same egg but to him it is. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Orange top for my son

As you know that I have done some shopping at F.O.S warehouse sale and above is one of the top for my toddler. Look it fits him perfectly, yeah RM5 for above top. They have many choices on children top and children dresses too. The children dresses very pretty I saw the range of RM15 to RM20, they look like dresses suitable for dinner wear. 

Almost forgot to announce the winner of April Giveaway, it goes to Nicole. She's the Top Commentator of April Giveaway. 

Commentator for April as following
Rose 12
Sky 1
MNhL 4
Yun Sing 1
Nicole 32
Joyce Lee 1
5 little angles 2
LauraLeia 1
Miriam Goh 1

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Active toddler at home

Beware if you have toddler at home, mine is getting active. He knows to lock the door, so happen today when I'm away. My sister-in-law went out for collect the mail from mail box as going to rain soon. My toddler locked the door.

Looks like we will need to move the safety locks higher so that he's not able to reach. But he's clever, he would pull a chair to reach.

Just happened the other night, my door locked because my toddler pressed the button to lock. Lucky he wasn't inside the room, it took two hours for my dear to unlock my door. My door knob is almost broken but still we are using it, just need to beware of toddler around the house.

Having toddler running about in the home can give you a hard time. Imagine having my brother's twin gals at home. My dad's handful helping to care them. The twin had started kindergarten earlier than my toddler, both of them speaks very well compare to my toddler.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RM20 Carrefour Diapers

If you are looking for cheap diapers head to Carrefour, I saw they are having sales on the Carrefour Diapers RM20 only but size available only M size. I saw this in Carrefour Subang Jaya but now building changes name to AEON Big, i guess they are selling off all Carrefour brand items.

If you want to purchase plastic wrapping for books, you can now purchase at RM1 a roll. I bought yoga pants RM15, and RM10 man sleeping pants. Oh well, it's for man but I bought it for myself. :D

No luck on purchase any coffee brand of Carrefour, they must have sold out. :(

I might go again to check out the Carrefour toilet paper rolls, and dish washing brand Carrefour. Anyway if price is right I would purchase.

Have you purchase anything from Carrefour? I like to drink their Hazelnut Coffee brand Carrefour.

GET.SET.GLOW! with guardian Malaysia this September 2024 Month-long campaign to get Malaysians to embrace a culture of nurturing of wellbeing & self-care

This wellbeing festival is a free public event that is scheduled from the 10th to the 16th of September 2024 at 1Utama Shopping Centre Petal...