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Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2018

3 Ways to Socialize a Child Outside of the Home

For many families, a toddler's social skills develop naturally through attending daycare and through socializing with siblings. However, this is not the case for every family. In single-child homes where a parent is responsible for their care at all times, children need a different way to build social skills. This can be a challenge for stay-at-home mothers and fathers, especially if they don't have friends with children of a similar age.

Attending Mommy & Me Events

Mommy & me events are very popular among stay at home mothers. These events range from dance and Yoga classes to fun trips and workshops. While the focus is on involving children in positive, healthy activities with their parents, it also gives toddlers a chance to communicate with other children their age. There are also a wide variety of programs for stay at home fathers, too!

Enrolling in Preschool

Enrolling toddlers in preschool is a great way to prepare them for Kindergarten. Children must learn how to socialize and conduct themselves properly among other students before attending school so that they can focus on learning. A Redmond preschool will help to achieve positive behavioral interactions among toddlers, ensuring that each child learns how to have fun, make friends, and learn exciting new things.

Regular Trips to the Park

The local park is a wonderful place for parents and toddlers to make new friends. As the children meet one another and play, parents can begin to identify their toddlers' strongest relationships. The friends' parents can then be met, opening the opportunity for other play dates in the future. The park is a healthy place to get daily exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and soak up the sunshine, as well!
As children approach schooling age, it becomes vital that they learn how to correctly interact with their peers. Even when children don't have siblings or attend daycare, there are still many ways to offer socialization to them in a safe, healthy, and fun way.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Marina Yoga at Krabi Islanxd

 On last Sunday before heading back to Malaysia, we have yoga lesson in the morning. We reached Marina Yoga and I love the wall of above words Yoga Shala, it is means a place of yoga.
 The one hour yoga lesson gives me a good sweat, yeah long time I didn't practice and it's good to have yoga in the morning.
The Marina Yoga is spacious, they have wall of mirror at side of it. 

 Above teacher of me and teacher of Marina Yoga, she has been living in there for 14 years. She has pets dogs and cats, they are friendly too. Above a picture with teacher before back to hotel.

The tour guide named Sam who has been with us since the day 1. 

Stay tune for Day 2 of Krabi Island, Dove School of Skindulgence

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Locker@Myoga The Gardens

My first time to go yoga at Myoga, The Gardens and lucky my friend let me know that there's need to bring your own padlock to lock use on the lockers. There's no padlock available for you to use, so you need bring your own, above is picture of my padlock! Huge padlock right? hehe..

The dancing yoga class is pretty fast, so I know I am quite slow but I have fun and sweat so much! There are aunties too in the class, by the way the class I only see ladies. You must be 18 years above to join the class.

It was my first time to attend a yoga class there, it was a dancing yoga! I stopped doing yoga for many years because that time I attended the class not only yoga but also exercise class. I used to go these classes with my sis, she's a nun now.

GET.SET.GLOW! with guardian Malaysia this September 2024 Month-long campaign to get Malaysians to embrace a culture of nurturing of wellbeing & self-care

This wellbeing festival is a free public event that is scheduled from the 10th to the 16th of September 2024 at 1Utama Shopping Centre Petal...