Showing posts with label suck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suck. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Babies In The Dugout: Anger In My Heart

It is becoming increasingly hard for me to separate my love for the Red Sox with my hatred of the players on this team. I'm not being reactionary. Not a single one of them deserves to wear that uniform.

I hate buying into what the media tells me to think about these guys. Really, I do. But with the reports that seventeen players had a meeting with ownership behind Bobby's back, I'm done supporting the players. They make me angry. A bunch of whiny, overindulged babies who don't like that the manager has expectations for them? Aw, poor them. Hey, I didn't like that Bobby left Jon Lester out that night to get pounded either (mostly because he was making the game unenjoyable for me), but it's Lester's goddamn JOB to pitch, and when we have no one left in the bullpen, either take your lumps or PITCH BETTER.

I feel no sympathy for them. I have no respect for them. And the ownership that allows them to be crybabies is just as bad. Let me clarify - I don't have anything against the ownership. For as long as they've been in charge, things have seemed pretty good around Fenway. I think they made the wrong decision to hire Bobby in the offseason, but once you hire him, he's your guy. Support him, and see to it that the employees under him don't feel like they have power to veto him. He's a manager. The fact that they didn't let him manage if a failure on their part, and they have to be held accountable for the millionaire monsters they've created.

We wanted these guys to win one for Pesky? Please, I don't even want them associated with the name Johnny Pesky. Their entitled bullshit attitudes are the opposite of everything Pesky stood for. There is no honor in having these guys win a game for a person that they didn't even deserve to be around.

Yup, I'm talking to all of them - Beckett, Lester, Pedroia, Ellsbury, Gonzalez... You name 'em, I'm disgusted by them. There is no leadership among the players. Or if there is, the only thing that's being led is a  march up to the owner's office to whine that Bobby made them feel bad. Suck it up, you jackasses. You don't want to play for Bobby? Too goddamn bad. It's not your decision. You signed your name to those contracts and it's your RESPONSIBILITY to earn that money.

This season has been painful. That game last night? Hideous. I have no good good things to say about the team. I have no happy or warm feelings about any of the games on the rest of the schedule. And it kills me to say that I don't like this team, because I truly and honestly did like them at the beginning of the season. But they have no heart, no fight, no desire. A new manager isn't going to change that. We got a new manager. Remember, they managed to get Tito fired and it didn't improve their desire to win at all. The change has to come from ownership. The next time they get a text message crying that Bobby hurt someone's feelings, instead of calling a meeting to let the players cry, they should tell them to take their frustrations out in the work out room and the batting cages.

That being said, I'm still in it. And unlike a lot of people I know, I want them to win. I just don't think they will. So go Sox.... you've got a month and a half left. Start earning your paychecks.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dear Sox Fans: You Suck

I'm ashamed of you, Red Sox Nation. I truly am. I sat in that wind-blown, cold park last night watching Beckett and the boys suck, just like the rest of you. I groaned every time he gave up a run. And I did plenty of booing...

Johnny Damon. I booed Johnny Damon and ONLY Johnny Damon. Because he is no longer on the Sox, and no longer allowed to be loved in Boston. (Love him if you want, but he's a lying traitor and I will never cheer for him again)

At a time where the team is struggling as bad as we've seen in a very long time, I assumed that the only people coming out to the park were there to actually support the team. I was wrong. When Beckett walked off the field to that chorus of boos, I was ashamed for my fellow fans. Ashamed.

Yeah, he sucked. Yes, there have been lots of reports about what a terrible soul-stealing cancer he is and how he is secretly plotting to take over the world or something like that. He's terrible. He needs to be traded a league in Antarctica far far from civilized people so his terrible attitude and love for beer and chicken can never torment anyone again, right? Whatever. You know what, if the Sox do end up trading Beckett and he goes on to pitch well for another team, I'm sure the same people who are booing him now will ask why we always get rid of our good players.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but what good does booing do? You get to tell the team you disapprove of their play, right? Awesome. So they're unhappy that they're playing poorly, and you're unhappy that they're playing poorly, and instead of trying to change, everyone will just wallow in the misery. Fine. Boo whoever you want. I'm still going to cheer for my team, and I'm still going to be ashamed of all you boo birds. Do me a favor and just don't come out to the park if you hate the team or individual players so much. You're making hard for the people like me who want to support them.

After all, isn't that why you GO to the park?

Shame on all of you who booed last night.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Another L For The Books: A Wasted Lester Effort

Red Sox, you guys make me sad.

I'm glad I have a day off from the torture that is watching you all fail.

That is all.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Red Sox Enemy #1: Daniel Bard

Dramatic and extreme? You bet. But right now, I sort of hate Daniel Bard's face, considering that he's been single handedly responsible for three Red Sox losses in the month of September. Some advice for Daniel: You throw 100 f***ing miles per hour. Stop throwing balls in the dirt, asshat! Alternately: The strike zone. Figure it out. Watching one of our best relievers come in and throw 9 balls in his first ten pitches is unbelievably aggrivating. Why? Why does this happen? Why didn't Tek stop it?

Mudpie actually pitched ok! I mean, I didn't enjoy watching him pitch, but he did well enough to leave with a lead! Also, I've got to put the blame on Francona, too. Bard's been shit this month. We're in a pennant race. When you see that he's got NOTHING, maybe it's time for a quick hook, huh? I understand that you've got to let your pitchers pitch and sometimes they have to work themselves out of their own troubles, but he literally could not pitch or field. Daniel did not show up ready to play, and if he's not focused, then I don't want him on my field while we're trying to hold the wild card.

Dwelling isn't going to do me any good. Posting while I'm still filled with irrational hate doesn't do you guys any good. Papi's out with spasms, Ernie left with a cramp (seriously, guys, time to play through a little bit of pain!), and we didn't have a baserunner for the last three innings of the game. Youkilis has been less than useless since his return, though I give him credit for playing through pain. No one on the team had more than one hit, with the majority of them going hitless. The fielding in this one was terrible on both ends, though Tek did make an amazing play at the plate. Not like it mattered, we still lost. How do you go from plating 18 runs the night before to the offensive 'performance' they put on yesterday afternoon? I don't get it. Someone tell the boys that it's July again and maybe they'll play better.

Monday, September 12, 2011

September Is Stupid: I Hate Losing

Quick.... someone give me one positive that came out of this weekend's series with the Rays. One thing. Anything! I can't think of anything and I'm trying to stay positive.

I know I've been busy a lot lately, and I haven't been writing as much as I want to, but what is there to write about right now? I don't want to be a constant mass of negativity, but I'm not good at putting on a happy face when my team is playing like they're looking forward to golf in October. Really, Jon Lester, what was that? I expect it from Lackey, and Miller, and even Weiland, but you? That's twice in this month already that I've wanted to rip your face off. What's going on? This is when we need you the most, and instead of stepping up, you've taken a nap. Aces need to go more than four innings. You need to give us a chance to win!

I'm not even going to start on the offense because I just had breakfast and I don't feel like throwing up violently. Which WOULD happen. Because the offense has been stupid.

Just ONE positive. One happy thing that I can hold in my brain and think, 'Hm, yes, this is fine. There's nothing wrong with this.' I'll take anything. Work with me, guys.

Tuesday, I'm going to Fenway. I'm taking my boyfriend to his first game ever. Tuesday also happens to be the day that Wakefield once again goes for win number 200. I'll be spending my evening answering silly, obnoxious questions like 'why doesn't a foul count as a hit?' or 'why don't they just go into the stand to get the ball?' and I am genuinely hoping that these silly questions are not my favorite part of the night.... but if they are, then at least I have something, I guess.

Erm.... go Sox.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Stupid Team: Does Stupid Things

Dear Red Sox:

Stop sucking. You're making me mad. (With the obvious exception of my darling Varitek) I dislike all of you. Do your jobs and win games like you did in July. Thanks. Love, me.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Three Letters: W, T, and F

You've got to be f'n kidding me, right? No, really, somebody better have staged that game, hacked into my satellite dish, and blocked me from watching the REAL game. I don't know who would have done it, and for their sake I better never find out because it WASN'T FUNNY!

This isn't April! I know it's cold and rainy like April, but it's freakin' September! Wake should have not only gotten his 200th career win a month and a damn half ago, but he should have been up to Red Sox career win #193. Damnit. Just damnit.

Seriously, universe, you're lucky I had key lime pie for breakfast. Had I not, you'd be facing one angry me right now. Angrier, actually. The delicious limey flavor cooled the anger a bit. Damn you, bullpen! Bless you, pie.

If Tim gets denied one more time, I honestly believe two things will happen: 1) My face will violently implode, 2) Ryan will be so terrified that HIS face will implode. We don't really want two imploded faces, DO WE, bullpen? No, we don't. So cut the stupid shit! I want wins, damnit, and I want them now!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

No, No, I Still Exist: I'm Just Procrastinating

Well.... there goes my effort to start off September right. Same goes for the Sox, I guess you could say. Aside from that pummeling of the Jays last night, there hasn't been much winning. Heck, there hasn't been much of anything! No pitching, no offense, no enthusiasm, no musical numbers.... it's been sad.

And now, to top all that suck off, Beckett's hurt. Oh, sure, he'll be ok... but I was supposed to see him pitch live next week. Thanks a lot, gods of pitching rotations. You're going to make me see Lackey again, aren't you? I might have to pledge not to buy any more game tickets until Lackey is gone. I guess I'll miss Fenway for the next few years. I can always sit in Game On! and stare lovingly at that beautiful old park, but it won't be the same. Thanks for ruining everything, Mudpie.

On a completely unrelated note, has anyone else noticed that it's been... um.... fall? Last time I checked my calendar (about thirty seconds ago because it's over my computer monitor and features a lovely collage of Doug Mirabelli this month), it was September 7th. I've had to wear sweaters to work. What is going on here? I expected nice weather for at least a few more weeks! Cold makes me sad. Cold means that baseball is ending soon, and then I am left with a big, baseball-shaped hole in the center of my heart until February. I can't dwell. I need to cherish the last few weeks of the season and embrace the cold wintery playoffs. I wish it were June again.

Should I even talk about attempt number 856 for Wakefield to win his 200th game? I don't know if I should bother, it doesn't seem to bring him luck. Either way, I'll be watching and hoping but not expecting much because our offense sucks when Wake is on the mound. I say all paychecks should be directly linked to how much offensive output each player contributes for the night. You want to go 0-4, Ernie? Then you get exactly $0 for tonight. Don't spend it all in one place. Ground into another double play, Scutaro? You owe US $500. Pay up and learn to avoid DPs. It's the only way to teach them. Take away their monies if they can't get Timmy a win! I demand it!

Maybe I should have stuck to not blogging....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Water Water Everywhere: My Saturday Getting Rained On

I hate rain. I hate rain and water and storms and puddles. I hate that this season, my 'game bag' also known as my purse that I take to Sox games has officially become my 'rainy game bag,' and includes a poncho, an umbrella, a towel for drying my seat, and plastic bags to put all my wet garb in. I hate that more than half of the games I've gone to this season have included rain delays.

So of course, I had tickets for Sunday's game. Good seats, too! Eleven rows from the visitor's dugout... and I got them at a discount. $90 seats that cost me $65 because they came from my best friend's cousin who knew a month in advance that she could not use them. That's why we got hit by a hurricane.

Driving to the train station, seeing the water literally just pouring off of buildings, finding out that one of the stations that I need to pass through was closed due to flooding... yeah, there was nothing about Saturday that made me think we were getting those games in. There was a huge part of me that just prayed they'd cancel because I'm tired of sitting in the rain, but my dedication would not allow me to not go.

The Red Sox allowed game two ticket holders to come into Fenway for the last two innings of game one. We got to go in early and sing along to Sweet Caroline and dance to Dirty Water (there was PLENTY of it, by the way) and still got to see game two. As a disclaimer, we didn't stay all the way through game two. Once it hit rain delay, I was convinced there was no way they were getting the rest of the game in. I was wrong... but I still justify my decision. If I never have to wear my poncho again, it'll be too soon.

I hate you, rain. I hate you, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene. I hope everyone out there is safe, and for my friends who lost power this weekend, hope you get it back in time for the Yankees series that starts tonight.... or better yet, skip tonight and wait for Beckett tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh Bud Selig: Commissioner Complains About Dodgers

Really, Bud Selig? Do you really believe that you are in ANY position to complain about anyone acting outside of baseball's best interests? It smells a little hypocritical.

Apparently, Buddy isn't too happy about Frank McCourt filing for bankruptcy. He was, presumably, offended and hurt emotionally at the thought that the McCourts could be running the Dodgers into the ground. So what does he do? He releases a statement to whine publicly, JUST so Frank McCourt knows he's unhappy. From the article:

"We have consistently communicated to Mr. McCourt that any potential solution to his problems that contemplates mortgaging the future of the Dodgers franchise to the long-term detriment of the club, its loyal fans and the game of Baseball would not be acceptable."
Oh Bud. Long-term detriment to the game of baseball? I guess you know all about that. What about that whole steroid thing? It was pretty big news, and just about everyone knew about it.... except you? You want me to believe that? Ok.

How about how in the age of technology, you have limited access to all clips of anything MLB related to the ridiculously slow, which no one wants to go to? All the kids are on YouTube, Bud. You would think that you'd want them to see clips of great moments in baseball history in the hopes that at least a few of them would want to pick a team and follow along. No? Fine.

What about suspending game 5 of the 2008 World Series because you apparently can't figure out how to get someone to track the weather? Wasn't that pretty detrimental to the game of baseball? You know, holding off the most important moment of the baseball season because heaven forbid Fox doesn't get a baseball game that night? Oh, I know it makes good business sense, but definitely not good baseball sense. If you can change the date and time of any other MLB game for any reason at any time, that should apply to the playoffs. Who wants to sit in the rain to watch the World Series? On the east coast? IN OCTOBER?! Do you know how cold the rain on the east coast is in October?! No? Alright.

Should we even get into the 2002 All Star Game and the havoc caused by that? Because I'm not so sure we want to get into it.

And if you want me to get irrational, we could always discuss Buddy-boy's refusal to overturn the bad call on Armando Galarraga's perfect game. Everyone in the baseball-aware world knew it was a bad call. Jim Joyce admitted he had blown the call. The RIGHT thing would have been to just change the call and award Galarraga the perfect game that he rightfully pitched. Did he change it? Nope! Of course not!

And maybe it's just me, but the $500,000 fine to John Henry for his 2009 comments about revenue sharing seems more like a school yard bully beating up someone for complaining that they've been beaten up. I know that kind of money is nothing to John Henry. I'm pretty sure he pays JD Drew that every time he ties his shoes. The fact that MLB is so infallible that they can't handle criticism doesn't sit right with me.

I could mention dozens of other instances of Bud being detrimental to the game of baseball (such as collusion in the 80's, the strike of '94... it goes on and on). And while I'm almost positive that I'm blowing his comment to Frank McCourt out of proportion, I'm allowed to do it. And he can't fine me for it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Hate John Lackey: No, I Really Do

I sat in Fenway yesterday through rain delay after rain delay. It was by FAR the most rain delays I've ever sat through. And for what? To watch John Lackey do THAT?

After hours of traffic that shouldn't have existed this morning, hours of traffic that I expected coming home from the game yesterday, sitting in the bleachers and getting soaked, and wasting vacation time to watch John Lackey do THAT? Well, I'll tell ya, I'm just in no mood to recap that shit show. No mood at all. Nor am I in the mood to recap Tuesday's game, which was not NEARLY as bad. Alfredo Aceves, I forgive you. And in comparison to Lackey, I think I love you.

I'll spare you guys my frustration and anger, but on days like that, I think John Lackey should be forced to take that giant paycheck that he did not earn and issue refunds for everyone who wasted time and money to sit and watch him do THAT. So much money.... so much rain.... for that. I'm rightfully angry. I booed him. I NEVER NEVER NEVER boo my own players, but I couldn't control myself. It just sort of happened. It was an accident, and I feel badly about it.

Anyway, we have a nice off day to stew about the craptacular pitching of John Lackey and to think about how nice a new winning streak behind the delightful (he better be delightful!) arm of Jon Lester is going to be. I'm thinking it's going to be super nice. That sounds good, doesn't it? Happy thoughts, guys, on this icky, rainy, trafficky day.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Two Games Behind: Somehow Feels Like Ten

Wait.... what happened to this team? Who ARE these guys? They aren't the ones we were watching for most of May, are they? Just like that May team wasn't the same as the April team, I'm not exactly sure who the June team is going to be... but if the game yesterday was any indication, I'm not so sure I want to find out. We were on top of the East just days ago... and now, just as fast as I can shout a string of obscenities at anyone who's within earshot, we're two games behind the Yankees. I HATE being behind the Yankees. I hate watching my ultra-talented team play bad baseball. They are the definition of the word streaky.

Streaky [stree-kee] -adjective. 1)Occuring in streaks or in a streak, 2)marked with or characterized by streaks, 3)varying or uneven in quality, 4)the 2011 Boston Red Sox. See? Wouldn't lie about that sort of thing.

For Wakefield, this was a typical 'you never know what you're going to get with the knuckleball' outing. Seven hits and four runs over six innings. This wasn't a BAD performance, but we needed just a little more. Matt Albers was kind of bad. Rich Hill broke himself. Daniel Bard was good, and Papelbon did his best to put this one out of reach. Hooray pitching staff.

On the bat-side of the field, Ortiz wins. He didn't win the game, but he wins everything else. He came up with a clutch home run when we really needed it... even if it didn't last long because Matt Albers ruined the goodness. One on and two out in the 7th, Ernie commited the hitting cardinal sin number one (Don't swing at the first pitch) and he swung at the dagnabbit first pitch. In two at-bats against this Sale fellow, Ernie broke two of my hitting rules. I am taking a dozen cookies away from him, because those types of shenanigans are unappreciated and unwelcome.

Between this one and the Bruins, I'm glad there's an off-day today. My poor heart can't take the disappointment.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Flabbergasted: I... I Just...

This is the first time this season that I actually feel like I need to shut the game off so I don't cry. I keep trying to make sentences, and it's not working so well. I am too emotionally invested in baseball. How is it possible that two off days actually made this team WORSE?

Pedroia is the only non-pitcher who looks like he gives a shit. He can't do it by himself. Someone needs to step up and help him.

I'm trying not to be reactionary, but this one is HURTING ME. Physically hurting me. A game should never cause me literal pain. And sorry, Salty, but you're officially my goat for the season. I thought it was gonna be Lackey or Dice, but it's you. I don't think I am capable of liking you.

I'm hoping this one turns around, but I can't watch it. I'll check back after the game is over and hopefully have to update my post detailing just how wrong I was.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dice-K: Exactly What I Expected

I don't want to write about last night's game. I don't want to think about it either. It was ugly, and I hated it.

That being said, the next time Dice-K pitches, I'm just going to track the game on GameDay (instead of actually watching the carnage) and sit in a corner chewing on a bag of nails. I think you can all agree that this is a far less painful activity than watching Dice pretend he knows how to pitch.

On to Lester, he of the imaginary 1-0 record!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

&^*%&&*&(*@#&#*&@*!^: Cannot Stop Swearing

When I get my head together, I will post a cohesive review of the game. It will be both positive and encouraging for the Red Sox, and it will show that I know not to let a little thing like their 0-6 record make me irrational. But for now? For now, I want to rip Daniel Bard's face off with my bare hands. I can't help it. I'm angry. Just give me till tomorrow to calm down, and I'll be back to sunshine and happiness, I promise.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Annoyed: Not Panicked.

While I maintain my state of calm, I try to remind myself that four games doesn't mean anything. Two more games and it becomes comical. I don't want it to come to that, but if they DO lose the next two, they better lose every single game this season, so at least I can have a laugh about it.

If anyone associated with the Red Sox is reading this.... that was a joke. Don't actually lose every game this season. There will be rioting.

No, Beckett wasn't the Beckett we wanted him to be. He had his dreaded fourth inning, as has been his usual, and he couldn't hold a one run lead, nor could he pitch past the fifth inning. It drives me crazy when he cruises along through the first two innings looking unstoppable, and then throws forty pitches in the fourth. What is it about that fourth inning that makes him suck? Why can't he pitch well after three innings? Does he REALLY have to throw a hundred pitches before ever sniffing the sixth?! Does he?!? Yeah, I guess so. The only plus side is that he didn't surrender a single home run. Does that make me feel better about yet another loss? Nope. Not even a little bit, but it's a positive, so I'll hold on to it.

More concerning than the fact that Josh decided to keep up his pattern of suck rather than kicking some ass is the fact that we scored one run off of the Indians. It's not spring training anymore (or so I've been told... sure feels like it) boys. Time to wake up. There's far too much talent in this team for you all to be playing this badly. Come on. Pull it together. I only have so much hair left of my head, and with my temper, it'll be gone by the end of the week. I'd really like to keep some hair, if it's all the same.

So, Dice-K, Red Sox Nation turns their sad, lonely eyes to you. Help? Please?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Injury Bug: Please Go Away!

Day two of continuing to be tormented by the bad luck and injury bug. Sonuvamonkey hit the Sox again, this time claiming infielder Brent Dlugach, who dislocated his shoulder. Yeah, he's not a big leaguer as of this sitting, but he is a Sox, and he is injured.

I don't think I can handle this happening again. Can someone please put an end to this? Please?

And best of luck on recovery from the shoulder mishap, Brent. Hate to see injuries to anyone....

The only plus side is that the Sox are up 3-0 in the 8th.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Papelbomb: We Lose

I just wanted to give a quick rundown of my opinion of Sunday's game. Especially now, tempered and happy by the results of Monday's game (which will be recapped shortly), I feel like I can write about the disaster on Sunday. Beckett wasn't bad. He wasn't the dominating, hellfire and brimstone spitting Texan that we needed. He was sort of a muted version of himself. If there was hellfire within, I certainly didn't see it. That said, he still kept the Sox in the game. Yes, he only pitched 6 1/3 innings, and gave up three runs (one earned), but we were still in it. I believe the Sox took the lead in the bottom of the seventh, but I don't feel like looking it up because the headlines and the reminder of the loss make me sad. The win was right within our grasp. We could all feel it. And then.... then it just slipped out of our fingers and it was gone.

Papelbon ultimately got the blown save and the loss. God knows I love picking on Papelbon. I do, but you cannot pin this all on him. He had gotten two outs in the top of the 8th, and labored through them. Had he looked particularly sharp, I would have felt better about it, but he didn't. Going into the 9th, his pitch count was getting a little high, and it worried me. I think he was right around 40 pitches when the game got out of control and he gave up the doubles that would tie it up. I know there is no easy decision for the manager when your closer is asked to get five outs and he labors through them. I can't say that if I were Tito, I would have pulled Pap. You have to figure that he's going to work his way out of it, but he just couldn't. Once the pitch count got too high, I think most people knew what was coming, but there was nothing we could do. As we saw, replacing Pap didn't really work out too well, but would it have gone differently if we had pulled him earlier? The closer doesn't always have to be the last one in the game.

I don't know what I would have done differently. All I know is that when he was pitching and you could see he wasn't hitting his spots, I sort of knew that he would blow it. Yet, strangely, I don't blame him. I'm more inclined to blame Tito, but again, I don't know what could have been done differently. It was an ugly end to an ugly series. Sloppy defense and some impossible pitching choices led to a sweep by the wrong colored Sox. Thankfully, the beating is over now, but man, did it feel like we had all been punched in the gut, or was it just me?

I'm glad that my next post gets to be more upbeat, because these downtrodden 'why does this keep happening' sort of posts are starting to make me sad.... so, let's just move along.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Jon Lester: Deserved Better

Beckett pitched well, Lester pitched brilliantly, and Dice-K even pitched impressively.

We walked away with one win.

After our amazing May and June, we've won 8 games in the month of July. The record for June is 8-12. We're wasting good pitching performances left and right. Perfect games, no hitters, doesn't matter. All wasted.

I'm looking at you, Eric Patterson. I don't care if you have to break both of your hands to make that play. A perfect game is on the line. You MAKE that catch, especially if you just ran all that way to get there. I know it was a mistake and you didn't intend to do it, but that one play made you look like a jackass. To me, it's inexcusable. There's always one play in a no-hitter... one defensive play that when the fielder makes it, you look at the pitcher and think 'that's it, he's got this,' but when Patterson botched that play, all I could think was 'damnit*... our momentum.' Sure enough, it was the turning point. Jon may have given up the home run, but Patterson allowed it to happen. Whatever, it's over. We lost. Against David freakin' Pauley.

*not even close to the actual word I used.

I'm not sitting here saying that the sky is falling or that the season is over, because it's not. We made up a 7 game deficit once already this season. I'm just wondering how many times we're going to have to battle back from the brink, just to watch our bullpen go nuclear over a potential win. Maybe it's time to drop the pirate bit. It's not bringing them luck any more. You don't believe me? Look at our record in extra-inning games. We're 4-8. Yes, it also reflects the lack of hitting, but it's not our starters pitching those extra innings.

Our pen has a cumulative record of 12-15, with an ERA of 3.88, and they've allowed 29 home runs. Forgive me if these numbers instill no confidence in me.

Last night, Dice only gave up one run in 6 innings, and Daniel Bard was nearly perfect for the 7th. After allowing a base runner in the 8th, with a total of 18 pitches, Bard was 'relieved' by Okajima, who apparently delighted in loading the bases, because he didn't THROW THE DAMN BALL TO FIRST! I've never hated Oki before, but come on, dude, what the hell?! You're not going to make the out at 3rd! Get the sure out! Where are the goddamned fundamentals?! He couldn't even get out of the inning after allowing five hits and two runs, and Rambo had to be brought in to finish the job.

No, the offense didn't help against Doug Fister. Nor did they help out against David freakin' Pauley. Really? You can't score two or three runs off a guy who has zero career wins and only pitches every other year? It's a joke. I don't even want to look at the numbers with runners in scoring position, because I'm afraid I'll cry. I don't get it. I really don't. What is happening with them? They're not facing good pitching. They can't really be that tired, because they've had plenty of time off this month. Sure, the lineup is a bunch of rookies and backup guys, but it's not the rookies and backup guys coming up to bat when we have the bases loaded. Why is Lackey the only one who gets any run support?!

It's a test of faith, I know. And it's incredibly tempting to demand Theo start making crazy trades and do something... anything to shake this team up a little bit, but I don't think it's the best idea. We've got to stand down and just make it through right now, as much as that hurts. Our guys are slowly trickling back to play. Besides, if it turns out that getting the hurt guys back is too little too late, then what good is a trade going to do for us anyway? We might as well keep the talent.

Though, I honestly would not mind some help in the bullpen, since Delcarmen and Oki don't remember how to get outs.

Dahmer should be on the mound tonight for game number 100 of the season, and I feel like today's just as good a day as any to get the bats going again. I'm keeping the faith.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Armando Galarraga: Robbed

Ugh... All I have to say about the attempted perfect game by Galarraga is that the umpires blew it. To lose a no-hitter is one thing. Sure, it's painful, and sure, you may never get it again, but it's not as bad. Galarraga had what would have been the third perfect game of the 2010 season if the umpire at first, Jim Joyce, hadn't completely blown the call. There have never been as many as two perfect games in a season before this year. Three would have been amazing.

Listen, I can't speak for what Jim Joyce saw or heard, but Jason Donald was out by a whole step. Sure, Galarraga snow-coned the ball, but he was holding onto it. Heartbreaking. Galarraga handled the news well, but his facial expression broke my heart.

Jim Joyce should be ashamed of himself. I've been saying it all season... the umpiring this year has been disgraceful. I don't care if he made the call he thought was right, I hope he gets punished for it.

Also, in news that I feel I should have more to say about... Ken Griffey Jr. has announced his retirement. For a long time, Griffey was the embodiment of hope. He was going to be the next Hank Aaron. He was going to break the home run record. He was going to break every record there was. And then injuries derailed his career, and we were all left wondering what could have been. Don't get me wrong, The Kid put together a tremendous career, and his accomplishments are certainly nothing to be ashamed of. He had a wonderful 22 year and 2 month career that will almost definitely end with him getting into Cooperstown on the first ballot. If he doesn't, it'll be a crime against baseball for sure.

He finishes up with 630 home runs, putting him fifth on the all-time home run list. There's not a whole lot I can say about Griffey that won't be said a million times in the coming days. All I can say is that in the game of baseball and the hearts of baseball fans, he's a legend in his own right, and he will be missed. Thanks, Junior, for all the memories and good luck!