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Showing posts with the label 007

Shaken not stirred

  People from California reading this can probably skip the first few paragraphs. Because, for them, it will be a bit like someone coming up to me saying, "Hey, I just saw the 1974 Topps Traded Oscar Gamble card, it's so cool, you should check it out!" Yeah, I know. So, with that in mind, I experienced the strongest earthquake of my life Sunday. Don't get excited. It was a magnitude 3.6. But we don't get earthquakes, or at least feel earthquakes, very often around here. For the first 20 years of my life, I never felt one. The quake was centered just west of Adams Center, N.Y., which is a town 10 miles away from me. It felt like something exploded in the basement, then there was some brief rumbling. By the time I got outside -- where most of my neighbors now were -- it had stopped. They were rattled. "What was that?" they said. I knew. It was an earthquake. I knew, because I felt one, centered at the same spot, 10 days earlier. It was a 2.6. It came at 2 ...

A good, old-fashioned Christmas storm

  Merry Dr. Christmas Jones, everyone!   I am writing this post in advance, mostly because I'm not sure if there is going to be any power on Christmas Eve, which is when I traditionally write this. Also, the Bills are on tomorrow afternoon ... um, if there's power.    The storm has hit, it's a whiteout as I write this late Friday afternoon. We're supposed to get like four feet by the end of Monday. That will be the second four-plus-feet storm of the winter already and I'm ready to move out of this stupid place. It only took me 30-plus years.   But let's not diminish the Christmas spirit! I've come here to show cards from others full of Christmas cheer! They sent these cards early enough that they not only showed up in time for Christmas but they arrived before the travel ban and mailmen started being arrested for walking on the streets (this didn't really happen -- I don't think -- I can't even see out my windows).  One person was so on top of th...