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Showing posts with the label Matt Luke

Still glitchy

  I'm sure you've noticed that things are still glitchy out there. Trying to find a doctor to treat a specialized problem is an endless circle of phone calls and waiting. The pasta section of one grocery store has been nearly empty for weeks with that all-too-familiar attached note about "our suppliers." Then there's the mail. I received a voice mail from my curb-side garbage pick-up service that they hadn't received my most recent payment. I had noted the same thing while watching my account. I figured an actual voice mail after only a couple of weeks deserved my attention, so I called, was assured it was likely lost in the mail and made another payment. Two days later, my account showed that my service had cashed that check that was "lost in the mail." Card mail has been glitchy, too. I haven't been able to write a particular post because the last cards I needed for it I had expected to arrive by mid-week. They're still not here. Also, an e...