People don't listen to albums anymore. I've heard that more than once over the last few years. It makes sense, I guess. With everyone's attention spans evaporating and the advent of stuff like Tik Tok, it's not a surprise that we're all hooked on the need for speed. No one has time to lie on their bed and let an LP wash over them. Or they don't think they do. I fall into that camp, too. Albums once were the objective when it came to music. I saved my money, walking into the record store was a religious experience, almost overwhelming. I worked in a department store in the mall in the mid-1980s. The record store was three stores away. I made many, many trips and bought many albums. Some bad decisions there, and some great ones, too. This was ritual and that ritual lasted decades until the record stores closed and I changed my habits amid ipods shuffling and services streaming. I now have to force myself almost to listen to a whole album at once. In 2022, I fi...
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