Lots of things to address lately, but as usual, I am ill-prepared. So let me address, instead, the jumble of cards on the desk that I have received over the last month. It's such a jumble that I am beginning to lose track of who sent what. And that means if you've been an extremely busy bee at sending out packages -- like Jeff of 2 by 3 Heroes -- then it's a guarantee that I'm going to mess up something that you shipped out. Nothing tragic, mind you. I just can't figure out whether Jeff has sent me two packages or three packages in the last three weeks. First-world problems, I know. I was going through the disheveled stack -- with cards angled in different directions in a vain attempt to alert future me that "here begins a completely new package that he sent" -- trying to determine if he once, twice, three times sent me a package. I've finally settled on three times -- which is probably wrong, but it gives me the opportunity to force that terr...
Up all hours talking baseball, cardboard & collecting