The life of this blog has coincided with a period in my own life in which I've felt both the time and money crunch. This is a running theme probably in most people's lives from the time they get out of high school. But when you have children and a demanding job, it seems particularly acute. And I've whined about my lack of both more than once right here. When I happen to stumble across either extra time or extra money, I feel bouyant, like nothing can stop me. When I stumble across both at the same time -- well, we're entering seldom-ventured territory. I am weightless. I entered that unfamiliar space yesterday. Right before Sunday's card show I received a reimbursement check in the mail, plenty enough to fund a card show. Then, I managed to leave for the show early, something I often have trouble doing because I work Saturday nights. And I walked into the show with three-to-four hours to do what I wished. I used it all. Well almost all, we'll get t...
Up all hours talking baseball, cardboard & collecting