I did this post last year and it got so many "more, more" requests that I'm doing it again this year. As a review, to avoid too much flack for actually daring to root for teams during the postseason for a whole entire post, I went with a "most, oldest, newest" post to recognize the annual October ritual. Yeah, I know I'm a little late. But I planned it like this. I don't know what that thing was that we just saw this week. I'm pretty much discounting the wild card as part of the postseason until they get it fixed. You got to win only two games? And teams that won their division are involved??? If you're going to have some crapshoot round, let the wild card teams knock heads, keep the guys who conquered everyone over six months out of it. Also, please, MLB, start reseeding after each round like pro leagues who know what they're doing. So now we're at the division series, where things make sense somewhat -- though the Phillies should...
Up all hours talking baseball, cardboard & collecting