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Showing posts with the label Joey Gallo

Loose ends II

  Ten years ago I titled a post " Loose Ends ," which was just me trying to provide some updates on some things I was working on -- mostly trying to reassure people that I hadn't forgotten their trade package and such. I'm much less worried about stuff like that now -- I'll get to it when I get to it. The list of to-do things that don't have to do with this blog grows daily and I've given up on "hobby responsibilities" for the most part. Things are much more casual with my hobby, there shouldn't be reason to worry. To continue that theme, here are some things that are going on in my little corner that tell some sort of story but I don't know what that is. Doesn't matter. Just enjoy the scattered approach. I received another monstrous box of cards from Johnny's Trading Spot over the weekend. It will take quite awhile to go through it (although much of the TCDB accounting is done). But one easy item to relay is he sent three Fleer ...