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Cardboard appreciation: 2003 Topps Chrome Kevin Brown

(Did you know it's hot in the Northeast? You'd think people never heard of summer around here. Bring on the heat! I love it. In fact I appreciate it. It's time for Cardboard Appreciation. This is the 71st in a series): I have decided that I will not collect the Topps Chrome set this year. Was that an audible gasp? Yes, I am aware that this is a bit of a change of direction for me. I attempted to collect both the 2008 and 2009 Chrome sets, because I so love the shiny. But I failed miserably on the '08 set, and even though I can buy a pack of '09 Chrome at my Target (at FULL PRICE) anytime I want, it looks like I won't be finishing off the '09 set. Given those two warning signs, even bozo here can figure out that collecting 2010 Chrome is not the wisest move. But there is another reason for my refraining from purchasing all but a stray pack of Chrome -- and, of course picking up all the Dodgers. That reason is Chrome will never be as good as it wa...