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Showing posts with the label Ike Davis

TMDSIK: 2010 Topps Chrome

(Welcome to the finale of "The Most Defective Sets I Know." Speaking of defects, I was so concerned that Blogger wouldn't advance-publish my posts that I didn't pay attention to the fact that I scheduled two posts to publish within 15 minutes of each other. Tsk, tsk. We stupid humans. And now, here's the No. 1 defect presenting the No. 1 defective set he knows). 1. TMDSIK: 2010 TOPPS CHROME There is only one set in this whole wide world, in this whole history of cards, that actually makes me angry. Yup. It's 2010 Topps Chrome. Good god, this set pisses me off. As you might know, I am not one of those collectors who doesn't see the point of chrome sets. I love chrome sets for what they are, beautiful, unnecessary cardboard baubles of inconsequence. Chrome cards' purpose is to be shiny and beautiful. To sit there and look pretty. That's all. That's all they have to be, because when I look at them, like a pretty girl or an awesome s...

Kershaw times three

Three card packages came in the mail yesterday, and I received this card in all three of them. Each person behind the package had good intentions, because prior to the package's arrival I did need this Topps Lineage card. Well ... At least two of the people had good intentions ... With one of the packages, I also received some other cards, including this card: Thanks, Lost Collector . It's a '75 mini break! Boy, do I need a mini break. With another one of the packages, I also received some cards, including this card: Thanks, Adam. It seems odd that a Giants fan would send a card of John Roseboro, considering what a Giant did to Roseboro, but I gratefully accept the card. And with the third package, I also received some other cards, including this ... uh ... Funny. I thought we were in 2011. I think someone needs to try again. Thanks for the Kershaws. I'll be featuring the other cards from the packages at some other point. Well, two of the p...