I normally try to space out Gint-a-Cuffs posts a little more to give the A&G haters a break. But since I have only four packs left, and I don't like posting these things on the weekend, I'll throw this one post in and we can all say "Phew!" together. One thing I want to know with this year's A&G is: where the hell are all the autographs? You used to get at least one per box. I can recall only a handful of people pulling an autographed card out of this year's version. What's with the difficulty? Again, I like A&G for the base cards and the crazy variety, but a declining rate of autos is not a selling point. All right, enough whinery. Time for Packs 21-24, which historically have been the dullest packs of the box. Observe: PACK 21 50 - Carl Crawford, Red Sox (0 points) 28 - John Lindsey, Dodgers (+1 favorite team) It's very cool that Lindsey is in this set after so long in the minors. But I don't get why Topps included him...
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