"You wouldn't know I'm a 53-year-old man. Look, not an ounce of gray. I can still trick 'em." "I'm a little out of it tonight if you haven't noticed." "Everything I do, it's right off the top of my head. Something pops in my head and it comes out." "I missed all the outs. What happened? 4-3, 6-3? Broadcasting partner Gary Cohen: "4-3, 3-1, 6-3" "The white-outs, these new ones they have now, they're more like tape ... now they have the one with the tape, and it is spectacular." "I'm worried about my lawn back home." The above comments were uttered by Keith Hernandez during his regular job as a color man for the Mets broadcasts on SNY. I need to start a running account of his Keithisms. I wish I had a transcript of him recalling his first encounter with a tornado when he was in the minor leagues. During a broadca...
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