I've hassled Donruss pretty good over the life of this blog, slagging them for childish '80s designs, repetitive card backs with just five years of stats, and burying every man, woman and child in sets from the late 1980s. But there is one element of those old Donruss days that no card company can match. Not Fleer, not Upper Deck and certainly not Topps. Through one, small gesture, Donruss endeared itself to a generation of collectors and still does to this day, if I am any example. See if you can tell what it is. It's right here on this card: It's on this one, too: And on this one: Surely you have figured it by now ... DONRUSS PUT THE YEAR THE SET WAS ISSUED ON THE FRONT OF THE CARD! Right there on the front. Where every collector could see it instantly. No questions, no wondering, no confusion, it's right with the logo. 1984!! This set was issued in 19-EIGHTY- FOUR! I've never been more confident about a card fact in my life. You would think this wo...
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