It's been a rainy day here and there's more rain in the forecast for today. But in the midst of vacation, I'm on a little summer nostalgia kick, thinking about the warm, sunny weather and playing baseball in the yard when I was a kid. The only reason this Beckham "When They Were Young" card is featured here is because out of all the WTWY cards, this is the one that looks the most like me when I was little. Actually, it looks a lot like my brother. Beckham, in his current state, bears a slight resemblance to my brother. Very slight. When we were kids, we used any excuse to play baseball. I'm realizing how different it was back then. Sure, we had organized baseball teams and leagues, but you didn't need organization to play ball then. Whenever we could, we would find our neighborhood friends and head to the local high school field and play baseball. If we didn't have the time to do that, we'd play ball in the yard, or play catch on t...
Up all hours talking baseball, cardboard & collecting